Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922 – The Artists

Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922 – The Artists

The cover page of the catalog, deisgn by El Lissitzky  –  See the table below with all artists

Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922 – The Artists

Like in the Mythologies quotidiennes exhibition catalog (Paris, 1964) – Blog Post see our blog post – the Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922 exhibition catalog states only the artist’s last name.
Our survey seeks the answer to this question in identifying and allocating the artists through their many exhibitions from 1900 up to the present on and to provide like this new insight and overview to prove the importance of this exhibition not only for the well-known artists. As a result of our research we could identify other artists who participated but are not listed in the catalog. See note [1] and [2] below.
The table at the bottom of this post shows our allocation of the artists’ last name in the catalog of 1922 to their cross-linked exhibition history on

An Outstanding Exhibition – Purpose and Selection

The main purpose of Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922 (September-December 1922) was fundraising to support the starving Russian people, and David Shterenberg, a painter himself and showing his work as well in Berlin, was commissioned at the beginning of 1922 by the Bolshevik Russian State (RSFSR) to organize the exhibition in Berlin, due to the positive climate for Russian intellectuals and artists. The Galerie Der Sturm (1910-1932) directed by Herwarth Walden was certainly one of the most active places to support the new avant-garde movement. Looking back Berlin in mid October 1922 was the right place in Western Europe and in history for this exhibition. See Facts and Figures below.
David Shterenberg made a courageous selection of well known as well as of younger, then not yet internationally known artists, and so called Russian avant-garde artists supporting new movements like non-objective art. The wide scope of the artist’s work he aimed for did reunite so controversial painters like Chagall and Malevich, theater stage and costume sketches and architecture sketches. See all sections under Facts and Figures below. It attracted many more visitors than expected and a wide national and international response by critics and the press for many decades. However, the important impulse and enthusiasm which arose from this influential exhibition of non-objective art and the plans to show it in other European towns and even the USA was made impossible by the political reality.
Allocating the artists’ last name in the Berlin catalog of 1922 was an exciting challenge. For the 160 Russian artists of the Berlin exhibition the database knows January 2020 more than 4.633 solo- and group exhibitions, from 1912 (4. Sonderbund Ausstellung, Köln) up to the present, at many exhibition venues in Europe, North America, and around the world. The number will grow continuously with our ongoing documentation of exhibitions from 1890 up to the present. 

Chagall, who was born in 1887 in Liozna near Vitebsk (Belarus), returned in 1914 when World War I broke out from Paris to his hometown. Only a few month after the after the October Revolution on November 7, 1917, Chagall founded the Vitebsk People’s Art College (Narodnoy Khudozhestvennoye Uchilische) in 1918 with the permission of David Shterenberg, then the head of the art section of the Division of the People’s Enlightenment. Chagall’s public art activities in Vitebsk lead to his project of founding a new type of art school with community studios.
Both, Marc Chagall and from autumn 1919 onwards Kasimir Malevich, were teachers at the Vitebsk Academy. After Malevich had arrived many of Chagall’s students changed to the class of Malevich. After he had lost all his students to Malevich in May 1920 Chagall officially resigned in June and went to Moscow.
Another example for Shterenberg’s wide scope of selection is the Latvian artist Karlis Joganson (1892-1929). The research published since the 1990s revealed his importance.
Architecture sketches were shown in Berlin as well, e.g. by Wladimir Krinskij, Gerogii Mapu, Aleksander Rodchenko, and Alexandr Shevchenko. They were members of ZhivSkulptArkh (Painting, Sculpture and Architecture), until the end of 1919 known as SinSkulptArkh (Synthesis of Sculpture and Architecture).
The Berlin catalog lists as well theater stage and costume sketches by some artists.

Russian Avant-Garde Exhibitions

Another important perspective for our research was to show, how the artists of Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922 were participating in other exhibitions from before World War I ( This exhibition on 4. Sonderbund Ausstellung, 1922 Köln) up to the present. They can easily be explored with a mouse click thanks to the structure of artist-info.
Some examples among many other exhibitions on the Russian avant-garde artist-info documented are
2016 – This exhibition on A Revolutionary Impulse – The Rise of the Russian Avant-Garde, Museum of Modern Art, New York
2011 – This exhibition on Chagall et l’avant-garde russe, Musée de Grenoble
2003 – This exhibition on Traumfabrik Kommunismus – Die visuelle Kultur der Stalinzeit, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt am Main
2001 – This exhibition on mit voller Kraft. – Russische Avantgarde 1910-1934, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
2000 – This exhibition on Futurismus in Russland – und David Burliuk, ‘Vater des Russischen Futurismus’, Von der Heydt-Kunsthalle, Wuppertal
1993 – This exhibition on Von Malewitsch bis Kabakov – Russische Avantgarde im 20. Jahrhundert. Die Sammlung Ludwig, Josef-Haubrich-Kunsthalle, Köln
1992 – This exhibition on The Great Utopia – The Russian and Soviet Avant-Garde, 1915-1932, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
1989 – This exhibition on 100 Years of Russian Art, 1889-1989 – from Private Collections in the USSR, Barbican Art Gallery, London
1983 – This exhibition on The 1st Russian Show – A commemoration of the Van Diemen Exhibition, Berlin 1922, Annely Juda Fine Art, London; Catalog with texts by Andrei B. Nakov, Krisztina Passuth, Peter Nisbet, Christina Lodder;
Andrei Nakov, ‘This Last exhibition which was First‘, Note [3] on page 8 of this Annely Juda exhibition catalog: “These [Kandinsky’s] works, submitted at the last moment, are not mentioned in the catalog [This exhibition on Esposizione libera futurista internazionale, Galleria Futurista – Giuseppe Sprovieri, Roma]. (This information was given to me by G. Sprovieri whom I would like to thank for his generous help and support in my research on ths subject).”
1981 – This exhibition on Art of the Avant-Garde in Russia – Selections from the George Costakis Collection, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York
1978 – This exhibition on Revolution – Russian Avant-Garde, 1912-1930, Museum of Modern Art, New York
1977 – This exhibition on Tendenzen der Zwanziger Jahre – 15. Europäische Kunstausstellung, Neue National Galerie, Berlin
1973 – This exhibition on Tatlin’s Dream – Russian Suprematist and Constructivist Art 1910-1923, Fischer Fine Art, London
1972 – This exhibition on Kunst in der Revolution – Architektur, Produktgestaltung, Malerei, Plastik, Agitation, Theater, Film in der Sowjetunion 1917-1932, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart
1968 – This exhibition on Aspects de l’Avant Garde Russe 1905-1925, Galerie Jean Chauvelin, Paris
1966 onwards – This exhibition on Many exhibitions at Galerie Gmurzinska
1937 – This exhibition on Konstruktivisten, Kunsthalle Basel
1936 – This exhibition on Cubism and Abstract Art, Museum of Modern Art, New York
1924 – This exhibition on 14. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia, 44 artists of the Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922 were showing at the Biennale di Venezia in 1924, of altogether 96 Russian artists.
1923 – This exhibition on Exhbition of Russian Painting and Sculpture, Brooklyn Museum (NY)
Text about this exhibition on The Introduction in the catalog by Christian Brinton with critical rtemarks on the Berlin 1922 exhibition.
Russian Painting and Sculpture (1/2) – Paintings and Drawings
Russian Painting and Sculpture (2/2) – Sculpture
1922 – This exhibition on Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922
1920 – This exhibition on 12. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte della Città di Venezia, 2 artists of the Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922 were showing at the Biennale di Venezia in 1920, of altogether 19 Russian artists.

Facts and Figures

The Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922 took place at the Galerie van Diemen & Co, GmbH, Berlin, Unter den Linden 21, from October 15 until December 1922.
The Art Section of the Division of People’s Enlightenment asked David Shterenberg to organize this sales exhibition. The catalog states as its purpose: The proceeds will go to the starving people of Russia (‘Der Reinertrag ist für die Hungernden Russlands bestimmt!’).
This exhibition on All artists of Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922 on

The catalog lists the artists by media
The cover page of the catalog was designed by El Lissitzky.
The introductions by Davide Sterenberg, Edwin Redslob, Arthur Holitscher, and an unkown author of ‘Zur Einführung’ is followed by the list of artists by media
Paintings (84 artists)
Watercolors, Drawings, Wood- and Lino-Cut, Copper Engraving, Posters, Albums, Architecture- and Theater Sketches (111 artists)
Sculpture (12 artists).
More media without artists are listed in a fourth segment: Porcelaine, Glass, Decorative Works, Semiprecious Stones.
The third part of the catalog shows 48 black and white illustrations of artwork by 38 artists, plus 6 illustrations of St. Petersburg porcelain.
For the student’s works (Schülerarbeiten), the works from the Vitebsk Academy students (Schule von Witebsk), and the children’s water colors (Kinderaquarelle) no names are listed.
Teachers at the Vitebsk Academy (Belarus) in January 1919 were Chagall, Kseniya Boguslavskaya, Ivan Puni (a.k.a. Jean Pougny), Alexander Romm, Vera Yermolayeva, Nikolai Radlov, El Lissitzky, Ivan Tilberg, from November 1919 onwards Malevich, and before 1919 Mstislav Dobujinski.

Allocating the Catalog’s Artist Names
Notes on Artists Inside/Outside the 1922 Catalog

   For the 168 Russian artists of the 1922 Berlin exhibition knows July 2024 more than 4.998 solo- and group exhibitions, from 1912 (This exhibition on 4. Sonderbund Ausstellung, Köln) up to the present. The 168 artists are related through group exhibitions to 132.977 other artists.

   This research project is a good example how documenting exhibitions with, even from many decades ago, helps to explore and revalue the profile of artists, exhibition venues, and curators through their exhibition information.

   Table-Note [1]: Lasar Markovič Chidekel [Khidekel] (1904 - 1986) is not listed in the catalog. He participated at the 1922 Berlin exhibition as part of UNOVIS. Biography of Lasar Chidekel in the catalog of: This exhibition on Malewitsch und sein Einfluss, Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, 16.05.-07.09. 2008.
Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922-Page 17
Catalog page 17
   Table-Note [2]: Michail Vasilyevich Matyushin (1861 - 1934), the eminent Russian avant-garde artist, is not listed in the 1922 Berlin catalog. The reason to include him in our table is because the Erste Russische Kunstausstellung Berlin 1922 is part of his exhibitions list on page 103 of the exhibition catalog of This exhibition on Matjuschin und die Leningrader Avantgarde (Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, 27.04.-09.06. 1991, exhibition of the 'Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe'; catalog by Oktogon Verlag, Stuttgart-München, ISBN 3-927789-09-7). It was organised by Heinrich Klotz, Alla Powelichina, and Jewgenija Petrowa.
The Matjuschin und die Leningrader Avantgarde exhibition in 1991 in Karlsruhe was based on Alla Powelichina's exhibition Matjuschin und seine Schüler in 1990 in the Sankt Petersburg History Museum.

I would like to thank Christina Lodder, University of Kent, for her help regarding the transliteration of some artist names which I couldn't identify through exhibitions or other sources.
July 2024
- 8 artist names with different spelling: Some artists are part of more than one section in the catalog (Painting, Watercolors / Prints, Sculpture, Illustrations). In some cases the spelling of their name differs. Example: MECHMETZKI / MEDUNETZKI
- Alias: For many Russian artist names different spellings are in use. Most of these 318 aliases are listed below. Main Search knows all alias names, too.
1922 CatalogOn CatalogOn
ALTMANN, N.Altman, Nathan Isayevich (1889 - 1970)(53)LISSITZKY / LISSITZKILissitzky, El [Lazar Markovich] (1890 - 1941)
Alias: Lissitzki
ANIENKOWAnnenkov, Jurii Pawlowitsch (1889 - 1974)
Aliases: Annenkoff, Annenkow
(42)MALEWITSCHMalevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1879 - 1935)
Aliases: Malewitsch, Malevitch, Malevič, Malewicz
ARCHIPENKOArchipenko, Alexander Porfirjowitsch (1887 - 1964)(227)Not in the catalogMalyavin, Filip Andreevic (1869 - 1940)
Aliases: Maliavine, Maljawin, Malavin, Maljavin
ARCHIPOWArchipov, Abram (1862 - 1930)
Aliases: Arkhipov, Archipow
(12)MALKINMalkin, Georges Alexandre (1898 - 1970)
Alias: Malkine
ARNSCHTAM, A.Arnshtam, Alexander Martynovych (1880 - 1969)
Alias: Arnstam
(1)MALUTINMaljutin, Sergej Vasil'evic (1895 - 1937)
Aliases: Malyutin, Maljutin, Malioutine
ARONSOHNAronson, Boris (1898 - 1980)
Alias: Aronsohn
No further details
BARANOW-ROSSINEBaranov-Rossiné, Vladimir Dawidowitsch (1888 - 1944)
Aliases: Baranoff-Rossine, Baranow-Rossine
(31)MANSUROWMansurov, Pawel Andrejewitsch (1896 - 1984)
Aliases: Mansuroff, Mansouroff, Mansourov, Mansurow
BELJAJEWBeljaev, Vasilij Pavlovic (1901 - 1942)
Aliases: Belyaev, Beljaew
(1)MAPUMapu, Georgii
No further details
Benois, Alexandre Nikolayevich (1870 - 1960)
Alias: Benua
(16)MASCHKOWMashkov, Ilya Ivanovich (1881 - 1944)
Aliases: Maschkoff, Maschkow, Machkov, Maskov
BOGUSLAWSKAJABoguslawskaja, Xenia Leonidowna (1892 - 1972)
Aliases: Boguslavskaja, Bogouslavskaïa
(11)Not in the catalogMatyushin, Michail Vasilyevich (1861 - 1934) [2]
Aliases: Matjuschin, Matyushin, Matjusin, Matiushin, Matiouchine, Matjušin
BOLTSCHAKOW / BOTSCHKOWBolschakow, Konstantin Aristarchowitsch (1895 - 1938)
Aliases: Bolshakov, Boltschakow, Botschkow
(2)MATORINMatorin, Mikhail Vladimirovič (1901 - 1976)(3)
BRASBraz, Osip Emmanuilovich (1873 - 1936)
Alias: Bras
(2)MATWEJEWMatveev, Aleksandr Terentievich (1878 - 1960)
Aliases: Matwejew, Matveyev
BRUNIBruni, Lew Alexandrowitsch (1894 - 1948)(12)MAXIMOWMaximov, Nikolay Kristoforich (1892 - 1974)
Alias: Maximow
BUBNOWABubnova, Varvara Dmitrievna (1886 - 1983)
Alias: Bubnowa
(8)MECHMETZKI / MEDUNETZKIMedunetsky, Konstantin Konstantinovic (1899 - 1935)
Aliases: Mechmetzki, Meduneckij, Medunezki
BUCHOWETZKIBukowiezkij, Iewgenij (1866 - 1948)
Alias: Buchowetzki
No further details
Alias: Medwiedjew
BURLJUK / BURLJUNKBurliuk, David Davidovich (1882 - 1967)
Aliases: Burjuk, Burljuk, Burlyuk, Bourliouk
(75)MESENTZEWMezentsev, Sergei Aleksandrovich No further details
Alias: Mesentzew
CHAGALLChagall, Marc (1887 - 1985)
Aliases: Sagal, Sagalov
(559)MIKLASCHEWSKAJAMiklaschewskaja, Tamara (1894 - 1947)(2)
Not in the catalogChidekel [Khidekel], Lasar Markovič (1904 - 1986) [1]
Alias: Khidekel
(7)MILLIOTIMilioti, Nikolaj Dmitrievic (1874 - 1962)(7)
CHOCHRIAKOWKhokhryakov, Nikolay (1887 - 1928)
Aliases: Chochriakow, Khokhrianov
(1)MITURITSCHMiturich, Pjotr Vasil'evich (1887 - 1956)
Aliases: Mituritsch, Miturich, Mituric, Mitouritch
DENISSOWSKIDenisovski, Nikolai Fedorovich (1901 - 1981)
Aliases: Denissowskii, Denisovskij, Denisovsky
(10)MOLTSCHANOWMolchanov, Konstantin Mikhailovich (1906 - 1980)
Alias: Moltschanow
DJEGINZhegin, Lev Feodorovich (1892 - 1969)
Aliases: Djegin, Geghin, Shekhtel
(4)MORAWOWMoravof, Aleksander Viktorovitch (1878 - 1951)
Aliases: Moravov, Morawow
DOBUJINSKIDobuzinskij, Mstislav Valerianovic (1875 - 1957)
Aliases: Dobuschinski, Dobujinski, Doboujinski, Dobužinskis, Dobuzhinsky
(12)MORGUNOWMorgunov, Alexei Alexeyevich (1884 - 1935)
Aliases: Morgunow, Morgounow
DREWINDrevin, Aleksandr Davydovich (1889 - 1938)
Alias: Drewin
(19)NASARETZKAJANagaevskaya, Elena Varnavovna (1900 - 1989)(1)
EIGESEiges, Veniamin Romanovich (1888 - 1956)(2)NESTEREW / NESTEROWNesterov, Mikhail Vasilyevich (1862 - 1942)(8)
ENGELEngel, Otto Heinrich (1866 - 1949)(33)NIKRITINNikritin, Solomon Borissowitsch (1898 - 1965)(19)
ERMOLAJEWAErmolaeva, Vera Mikhailovna (1893 - 1938)
Aliases: Ermolajewa, Jermolajewa, Yermolayeva, Yermolaeva
(14)NOSKOWNoskov, Mikhail Vasil'evich (1892 - 1957)
Alias: Noskow
EXTERExter, Alexandra Alexandrovna (1882 - 1949)
Alias: Ekster
(123)OLENIKOlejnik, Janka (1887 - 1954)(1)
FALKFalk, Robert Rafailovic (1886 - 1958)(26)OSMERKINOsmerkin, Alexander Alexandrovich (1892 - 1953)(9)
FAVORSKAJAFavorskaja, Vera Vasilyevna (1896 - 1977)
(2)PAINPain, Yakov Semenovich (1898 - ?)(1)
FEDOROWFedorov, German Vasilyevich (1885 - 1976)
Alias: Fedorow
(3)PAWLOWPavlov, Semen Andreevi (1893 - 1941)(2)
FEDOROWSKIFedorovskij, Fedor Fedorovi (1883 - 1955)
Alias: Fedorowski, Fedorovsky
(3)PEREKATOWPerekatov, Alexander
Alias: Perekatow
FILONOWFilonov, Pawel Nikolajevitsch (1882 - 1941)
Alias: Filonow
(32)PERINPéri, László (1899 - 1967)(50)
GABOGabo, Naum [Naum Neemia Pevsner] (1890 - 1977)(159)PESTELLPestel, Wera Efimovna (1886 - 1952)
Alias: Pestell
No further details
Alias: Gambarow
(1)PETROWITSCHEWPetrovichev, Petr Ivanovich (1874 - 1947)
Alias: Petrowitschew
GAUSCHGaush, Alexandre Fedorovich (1873 - 1947)
Aliases: Gausch, Gauš, Gaúcho, Hausch, Hauš
(5)PEWSNERPevsner, Antoine (1884 - 1962)
Alias: Pewsner
GERASSIMOWGerasimov, Alexander Mikhaylovich (1881 - 1963)
Alias: Gerassimow
(7)POPOPWAPopova, Lyubow Sergeyevna (1889 - 1924)
Alias: Popowa
GRABARGrabar, Igor Emmanuilovich (1871 - 1960)(6)PRUSSAKOWPrusakow, Nikolaj Petrowitsch (1900 - 1952)
Alias: Prussakow
GRIGORJEW, N.Grigoriev, Nikolai Mikhalovich (1880 - 1943)
Alias: Grigorjew
(1)PUNI, J.Puni, Ivan Albertovich [Jean Pougny] (1892 - 1956)
Alias: Pugni
GRISCHTSCHENKOGrishchenko, Aleksei Vasilievich (1883 - 1977)
Aliases: Grischtschenko, Gritchenko, Grischenko
(14)RADIMOWRadimov, Pavel Aleksandrovich (1887 - 1967)
Alias: Radimow
IDELSONIdelson-Labusquere, Vera (1893 - 1977)(2)RODSCHENKORodchenko, Aleksander Mikhailovich (1891 - 1956)
Aliases: Rodtschenko, Rodschenko, Rodtchenko, Rodčenko
IWANOWIvanov, Sergei Ivanovich (1885-1942)
Alias: Iwanow
(7)ROJDESTWENSKYRozhdestvensky, Vasily Vasilyevich (1884 - 1963)
Aliases: Roshdjestwjenskij, Rojdestwensky, Roshdestwenski, Roschdestwenski, Rozdestvenskij
JAKIMTSCHENKOYakimchenko, Alexander Georgiev (1878 - 1928)
Aliases: Jakimtschenko, Jakimtscenko
(2)ROMANOWITSCHRomanovich, Sergey Mikhalovich (1894 - 1968)
Alias: Romanowitsch
JAKULOWYakulov, Georgy Bogdanovich (1884 - 1928)
Aliases: Jakulow, Yakoulov, Yakouloff
(23)ROSANOWARozanova, Olga Vladimirovna (1886 - 1918)
Alias: Rosanova
JOGANSONJoganson, Karlis (1890 - 1929)
Aliases: Johanson, Ioganson, Johansons
(16)Not in the catalogRoyak, Efim Moiseevich (1906-1987)
Alias: Rayak
JOUKOWSKIZukowski, Stanislaw Yulianovich (1873 - 1944)
Aliases: Joukowski, Jukovski, Schukowski, Zukovskii, Zhukovsky
(5)SACHAROWSacharoff, Olga Nicolaevna (1889 - 1967)
Aliases: Sacharova, Sacharow
JUDINYudin, Lev Alexandrovich (1901 - 1941)
Alias: Judin
(5)SALITZāle, Kārlis [Karl Zalit] (1888 - 1942)
Aliases: Zalit, Salit
JUONYuon, Konstantin Fyodorovich (1875 - 1958)
Aliases: Iuon, Juon, Youon
(11)SAMOSCHKINZamoshkin, Aleksandr Ivanovich (1899 - 1977)
Alias: Samoschkin
KAGANKagan, Anna Abelewna (1902 - 1974)
Alias: Kogan
(9)SARJANSaryan, Martiros Sergeevich (1880 - 1972)
Aliases: Sarian, Sarjan
KANDINSKIKandinsky, Wassily (1866 - 1944)
Aliases: Kandinski, Kandinskij
(689)SAWJALOWSawjalow [Zavialov], Iwan Fedorovich (1893 - 1937)
Aliases: Zavyalov, Zavialov
KAPLUNKaplun, Adrian Vladimirovich (1887 - 1974)
Alias: Kaploune
(2)SCHEMIAKINShemyakin, Mikhail F. (1875 - 1944)
Alias: Schemiakin
KAREWKarev, Alexei Eremeevich (1879 - 1942)
Aliases: Karew, Kareff
(2)SCHESTOPALOWAShestopalova, Elena Ivanovna (1895 - 1988)(1)
Not in the catalogKogan, Nina Josifowna (1889 - 1942)
Aliases: Kagan
(13)SCHWETSCHENKOShevchenko, Alexander Vasilyevich (1882 - 1948)
Aliases: Chevtchenko, Schevchenko, Schewtschenko, Sevcenko, Schwetschenko
KOLESNIKOWKolesnikov, Sergej Michaijlovic (1889 - 1952)
Aliases: Klosnikow, Kolesnikow
(2)SCHIROKOWChirokov [Scirokof], Michel de
Aliases: Schirokow, Scirokof, Schirokow
KLUNKliunkov [Kliun], Ivan Vasilievich (1873 - 1943)
Aliases: Kljun, Klyun, Kyun, Klioune, Klyoun, Klun, Kljunkow
(82)SCHIKOLNIKSkolnik, Iosif Solomonovic (1883 - 1926)
Alias: Schkolnik, Shkol'nik, Shkolnik, Školnik
Klutsis, Gustav Gustavovich (1895 - 1938)
Aliases: Klucis, Klutzis, Kluzis, Kloutsis
(89)SEIZEWASaizew, Nikolai (1885 - 1938)
Alias: Seizewa
KOLZOWKoltsov, Sergei Vasilievich (1892 - 1951)
Aliases: Kolzow, Kaltsov
(1)SEVERNYSeverin, Ivan Mitrofanovich (1881 - 1964)
Alias: Severny
KOMARDJENKOWKomardenkov, Vassily Petrovitsch (1897 - 1973)
Alias: Komardjenkow
(3)SINESUBOW / SINEZUBOWSinezubov, Nikolay Vladimirovich (1891 - 1956)
Aliases: Sinezouboff, Sinesubow, Sinezubow
Not in the catalogKomissarenko, Zenon Petrovich (1891-1978)(1)SOKOLOWSokolow, Michail Ksenofontovich (1885 - 1947)(4)
KONTSCHALOWSKIKonchalovsky, Pyotr Petrovich (1876 - 1956)
Aliases: Kontschalowski, Kontschalowskij, Kontchalovski, Kontchalovsky, Koncalovskij, Končalovskij
(29)STEINBERGShteinberg, Eduard Antonovich (1882 - 1935)
Aliases: Shteynberg, Steinberg, Steynberg
KOROLJEWKoroljow, Boris Danilowitsch (1884 - 1963)
Aliases: Korolev, Koroljew, Korolyov
(19)STENBERGShtenberg, Irina Valerianovna (1905 - 1985)
Aliases: Steinberg
KOROWINKorovin, Constantin Alexeiev (1861 - 1939)
Aliases: Korowin, Korovine
(18)STENBERG, G.Stenberg, Georgii Avgustovich (1900 - 1933)(10)
KOSINTZEWAKossinzewa, Ljubow Alexejwna (1898 - 1978)
Aliases: Kosintzewa, Kozintseva, Kozinceva
(1)STENBERG, W.Stenberg, Wladimir Awgustowitsch (1899 - 1982)(18)
KOSLINSKIKoslinskij, Wladimir Iwanowitsch (1891 - 1967)
Aliases: Koslinsky, Kozlinski
(9)STEPANOWAStepanova, Varvara Fjodorowna (1894 - 1958)
Alias: Stepanowa
KRASOWSKIKrassowski, Feliks (1895 - 1967)
Aliases: Krasowski, Krassovski
(1)STERENBERG, D.Schterenberg, David Petrowitsch (1881 - 1948)
Aliases: Schterenberg, Sterenberg, Sternberg, Chterenberg
KRAWTSCHENKOKravchenko, Aleksei Ilyich (1889 - 1940)
Aliases: Kravtchenko, Krawtschenko
(7)STREGEMINSKYStrzemiński, Władysław Maximilianowitsch (1893 - 1952)
Aliases: Stregeminsky, Strsheminski
KREITORKraïtor, Ivan Kondratievich (1880 - 1957)
Aliases: Kreitor, Kraitor
(1)SWESCHNIKOWASveshnikov, Ivan Ivanovich (1896 - 1963)
Alias: Sweschnikow
KRIMOWKrymov, Nikolai Petrovich (1884 - 1958)
Aliases: Krymow, Krimov, Krimow
(10)SWETLOWSvetlov, Sergei Yakovlevich (1903 - 1964)
Alias: Swetlow
KRINSKIKrinskij, Wladimir Fjodorowitsch (1890 - 1971)
Aliases: Krinsky, Krinski
(8)TATLINTatlin, Vladimir Yevgrafovich (1885 - 1953)
Alias: Tatline
No further details
Alias: Kruglow
(1)TERSATyrsa, Nikolai Andreevich (1887 - 1942)
Aliases: Tirsa, Tersa
KUDNJASCHOWKoudriachov, Ivan Alekseevich (1896 - 1972)
Aliases: Kudriashev, Kudriaschov, Kudrjaschow, Kudnjaschow, Kudriashov, Kudrjasev
(32)TOURJANSKITurjansky, Leonard Viktorovich (1875 - 1945)
Aliases: Tourshansky, Turzhansky, Turzhanskii, Tourjanski, Turjanski, Turshanskij, Turschanski, Turzhansky, Turjansky
KULBINKulbin, Nicolai Ivanovitch (1868 - 1917)
Alias: Koulbine
(13)TSCHAIKOWChaykov [Tchaikov], Iosif Moiseevich (1888 - 1979)
Aliases: Chaikov, Cajkov, Tschaikow, Tchaikov
KUPRIANOWKuprianov, Nicolas (1894 - 1933)
Aliases: Koupreianov, Kupreyanov, Kuprianow, Kupryanov, Kuprejanoff, Kuprejanow, Kupreianoff
(6)TSCHECHONIN, S.Tschechonin, Serge Wassiliewitsch (1878 - 1936)
Aliases: Cechonin, Chekhonin
KUPRINKuprin, Alexander Vasilyevich (1880 - 1960)
Alias: Kouprine
(26)TSCHEKMAZOWChekmazov [Tschekmazow], Ivan Ivanovich (1901 - 1961)
Aliases: Tchekmazov, Tschekmazow, Tschekmazov
KUSNIETZOWKuznetsov, Konstantin Pavlovich (1863 - 1936)(6)TSCHEKREGINChekrygin [Tschekrygin], Vassily Nikolaevich (1897 - 1922)
Aliases: Čekrygin, Chekrigin, Tschekrekin, Tchekrigine, Tchekryguine
KUSTODIEWKustodiev, Boris Mikhaylovich (1878 - 1927)
Aliases: Kustodijew, Kustodiew, Koustodiev, Kustodijeff, Kustodjeff
(17)TSCHERBINOWSKIScherbinovskiy, Dimitri Anfimovitch (1867 - 1926)
Aliases: Sherbinovski, Tscherbinowski
KUZNETZOW, P.Kuznetsov, Pavel Varfolomeevich (1878 - 1968)
Alias: Kuznetzow
(17)TSCHERNISCHOWChernikhov [Tschernichow], Yakov Georgievich (1889 - 1951)
Aliases: Černykov, Tschernichow, Tchernikho, Tschernischow
Not in the catalogLabas, Alexander Arkadewitsch (1900 - 1983)(12)UDALTZOWAUdaltsova, Nadezhda Andreyevna (1886 - 1961)
Aliases: Oudaltsova, Udalzowa, Udalcova
LADOWSKILadovsky, Nikolaj Alexandrowitsch (1881 - 1941)
Aliases: Ladowski, Ladowskij
(14)USATSCHOWUsachev, Alexey Ivanovich (1891 - 1957)
Aliases: Ussacioff, Usatschow
LAPSCHINLapschin, Nikolai Fjodorowitsch (1889 - 1942)
Alias: Lapschin
(10)WASILIEWWasiliew, Piotr (1899 - 1975)(1)
LAWINSKILavinskij, Anton Michajlovic (1893 - 1968)
Aliases: Lawinski, Lawinskij
No further details
Alias: Wasilkow
LEBEDIEWLebedev, Vladimir Vasil'evich (1891 - 1967)
Alias: Lebedew
(24)WASNETZOWVasnetsov, Apollinari Mikhailovich (1856 - 1933)
Aliases: Vasnecov, Wassnetzow, Wasnetsow, Wasnetzow, Wasnezow
LEBLANLeblan, Mikhail Varfolomeevich (1875 - 1940)(3)WESNINVesnin, Alexandr Alexandrovich (1883 - 1959)
Aliases: Vesnine, Wesnin, Wessnin
LEDANTIULe-Dantiu, Mikhail Vasilyevich (1891 - 1917)
Aliases: Le Dantu, Ledantu, Ledantiu, Ledentu
(8)WOLKOWVolkov, Aleksandr Nikolaevitch (1886 - 1957)
Alias: Wolkow
LENTULOWLentulov, Aristarkh Vasilyevich (1882 - 1943)
Aliases: Lentulow, Lentuloff, Lentouloff, Lentoulov
(40)ZETLINZeldin, Chaim
No further details
Alias: Zetlin
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