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The 1st Russian Show
 - A commemoration of the Van Diemen Exhibition, Berlin 1922

Altman, Nathan Isayevich (1889 - 1970) G Sep 1983 - Dec 1983   (53) +0
Archipenko, Alexander Porfirjowitsch (1887 - 1964) G   (227) +0
Bayer, Herbert (1900 - 1985) G   (140) +0
Bergmann-Michel, Ella (1895 - 1971) G   (54) +0
Bortnyik, Sándor [Alexander] (1893 - 1976) G   (43) +0
Chagall, Marc (1887 - 1985) G   (560) +0
Chashnik [Tschaschnik], Ilya Grigorevich (1902 - 1929) G   (48) +0
Doesburg [Aldo Camini] [I.K. Bonset] [Christian Emil Marie Küpper], Theo van (1883 - 1931) G   (132) +0
Exter, Alexandra Alexandrovna (1882 - 1949) G   (123) +0
Filonov, Pawel Nikolajevitsch (1882 - 1941) G   (32) +0
Gabo, Naum [Naum Neemia Pevsner] (1890 - 1977) G   (159) +0
Kandinsky, Wassily (1866 - 1944) G   (689) +1
Klee, Paul (1879 - 1940) G   (719) +0
Kliunkov [Kliun], Ivan Vasilievich (1873 - 1943) G   (82) +0
Klutsis, Gustav Gustavowitsch (1895 - 1938) G   (89) +0
Lissitzky, El [Lazar Markovich] (1890 - 1941) G   (269) +0
Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1879 - 1935) G   (289) +0
Móhóly-Nagy, László (1895 - 1946) G   (409) +0
Nicholson, Ben (1894 - 1982) G   (167) +0
Pevsner, Antoine [Natan Abramovic] (1884 - 1962) G   (123) +0
Popova, Lyubow Sergeyevna (1889 - 1924) G   (135) +0
Puni, Ivan Albertovich [Jean Pougny] (1892 - 1956) G   (108) +0
Péri, László [Peter] (1889 - 1967) G   (50) +0
Rodchenko, Aleksander Mikhailovich (1891 - 1956) G   (218) +0
Rozanova, Olga Vladimirovna (1886 - 1918) G   (79) +0
Schwitters, Kurt (1887 - 1948) G   (367) +0
Shterenberg, David Petrowitsch (1881 - 1948) G   (23) +0
Stenberg, Georgij Awgustowitsch (1900-1933) & Wladimir Awgustowitsch (1899-1982) G   (36) +0
Suetin, Nikolaj Michailowitsch (1897 - 1954) G   (52) +0
Tatlin, Vladimir Yevgrafovich (1885 - 1953) G   (109) +0
Udaltsova, Nadezhda Andreyevna (1886 - 1961) G   (65) +0
Vordemberge-Gildewart, Friedrich (1899 - 1962) G   (123) +0