This page shows the 100 artists with the highest number of exhibitions in database.
The list is sorted downwards by the total of the artist's exhibitions, including both, solo- and group-exhibitions.
The icons on the left side of the artist's name indicate
available artwork offers, exhibition announcements or an artist portfolio.
The numbers on the right side of the artist's name display
the number of solo-exhibitions, group-exhibitions, and the total of both exhibition types.
The next columns display the individual number per exhibition place category, which are gallery, museum, non-profit, collector,
followed by the total number of the artist's exhibition venues in database.
For all other artists who are not part of this list
the total number of exhibitions in the database is displayed as part of the search result found with Main Search at top right.
On each artist, exhibition venue and curator page an Exhibition History Summary provides additional analytical details.
Please contact us in case you need more analyical insight.
artist-info Status
Today you find 196466 artists, and 8171 curators in 222568 exhibitions in 12604 venues (resulting in 767893 network edges) from 1880 to present, in 1547 cities in 162 countries, plus 277 professional and private classified offers.