Artist Exhibition Statistics

Artist Exhibition Statistics

The daily updated statistics can be found on artist-info Artist Exhibitions Statistics page.

Top 100 Artists Exhibition Statistics

Auction price statistics only offer a very limited insight into the world of contemporary arts.
Since many decades exhibitions are playing a key role in each artist‘s biography as well as for exhibition places, worldwide.
So far, statistics on the artist’s exhibitions worldwide haven’t been available.
Based on more than 410.600 solo- and group exhibitions between 1930 and today by more than 135.800 artists shown in more than 11.150 Galleries, Museums, Non-Profit Place and Collector Venues in more than 1.310 cities in 155 countries in database, our new Artist Exhibition Statistics page shows who was shown most.
It provides like this new insight into the world of contemporary art worldwide.

Statistics Page Details

The Artist Exhibition Statistics page shows
the 100 artists with the highest number of exhibitions in database.
Exhibition Statistics Details
– Statistics of Solo- and Group-Exhibitions,
The artist list is sorted downwards by the total number of exhibitions, which includes group- and solo-exhibitions.
The icons on the left side of the artist’s name indicate available artwork offers, exhibition announcements or an artist portfolio.
– Statistics by Exhibition Place Type
The numbers on the table’s right side display the individual number per exhibition place category,
which are gallery, museum, non-profit, collector, followed by the total number of exhibition places where the exhibitions took place.

Find the Artist Exhibition Statistics page at Main Navigation / ARTISTS – Artist Exhibition Statistics

Different Focus Available

Exhibition statistics with a different focus are available on demand.
Possible are for example statistics for each individual artist in database, not only the top 100.
Limiting the geographical focus for example for a continent, like North America or Europe, or a specific country, is possible as well as selecting only exhibitions of the last 10 or last 20 years.

New Insight with New Tools Artist Exhibition Statistics page
and Network-Visualization
are new services for a new insight into the world of contemporary art worldwide.
Additional services are Exhibition Announcements, Artwork Offers and Requests, Art Fairs Calendar, Artist-Portfolios, and our Newsletter Service.

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