artist-info insight – Review 2015 insight
artist-info Review 2015 review 2015
New services, more valuable Analytics and Insight is a documentary source for solo- and group-exhibitions of contemporary art since 1929.
Cross-linking the exhibition history of more than 149.260 artists, 5.940 curators and 11.500 exhibition venues with more than 496.600 exhibitions provides new insight for evaluation and analytics like exhibition statistics and visualizing art networks.

Exhibition History Exhibitions since 1929

Many researched solo- and group-exhibitions were added to artist-info database, especially from earlier decades to better evaluate artists, curators, and exhibition venues with a long exhibition history.
Exhibition titles and sub-titles are now part of artist-info exhibition history information.

Influential Contemporary Art Exhibitions in the 20th and 21st Century

An exciting insight using artist-info database with important and influential exhibitions since 1929. Details of all selected exhibitions on

Summary section

For each artist. curator and exhibition venue a summary section and analytical overview was added

Exhibition Statistics Exhibition Statistics

Are Auctions a good place to buy Contemporary Art? – Auction sales records in comparison to exhibition statistics reveal two worlds apart

Visualizing Art Networks Visualizing Art Networks

Our most advanced service visualizes relations between exhibited artists.
A good example is related to the MoMA exhibition ‘Modern Photographs 1909-1949 – The Thomas Walther Collection’ with details on

artist-info on Instagram

Our Instagram feeds show details of artist-info news and exhibition events worldwide.


Today, January 25, 2016, you find with artist-info 149.265 artists and 5.945 curators in 496.606 shows (1930 – tomorrow) in 11.506 venues in 1.386 cities in 162 countries plus 328 professional and private classified offers.

artist-info Services

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