All posts tagged: Exhibition Analysis

Exhibition Analysis related content

The artists of the Kurt Kirchbach and Thomas Walther Collection – Avant-Garde Photography in the 1920s & 1930s

Photomontage of the Wolkenbügel by El Lissitzky, 1925 (or 1923)

The artists of the Kurt Kirchbach Sammlung and Thomas Walther Collection (Blog post updated January 23, 2018)    This survey doesn’t examine exclusively individual works of some selected photo artists. It looks at the complete list of shown artists in many thousand exhibitions with the help of artist-info database and provides like this a new, so far impossible insight.    The idea for this survey was born when I read about Cornelius Gurlitt, the art historian (Nischwitz […]

artist-info insight – Review 2015 insight
artist-info Review 2015 review 2015 New services, more valuable Analytics and Insight is a documentary source for solo- and group-exhibitions of contemporary art since 1929. Cross-linking the exhibition history of more than 149.260 artists, 5.940 curators and 11.500 exhibition venues with more than 496.600 exhibitions provides new insight for evaluation and analytics like exhibition statistics and visualizing art networks. Exhibitions since 1929 Many researched solo- and group-exhibitions were added to artist-info database, especially from earlier decades […]

Thomas Walther Collection Artists Today

Visualizing the Thomas Walther Collection

147 artists of the Thomas Walther Collection. Our networkgraph shows how the artists are connected through exhibitions.  Click here to open a browser window with the Thomas Walther Collection Artist network visualization. The Thomas Walther Collection Artists Today Visualizing the participation in exhibitions since 1930 of the Thomas Walther Collection artists   The photographic works of the 147 artists reunited in the MoMA exhibition in December 2014 were shown in many exhibitions of galleries, museums, and […]

Are Auctions a good place to buy Contemporary Art?

artprice Top 500 Statistics

Analysis A – artprice auction report  VERSUS   artist-info Exhibition Statistics RankingDetails of Analysis A below Are Auctions a good place to buy Contemporary Art? Top 500 artist auction results analysis, the auction result and sales index specialist, did publish in October 2015 its ‘Contemporary Art Market Report 2015’ together with a Top 500 artist auction results analysis. The report gives some interesting insight into the situation of contemporary art sold at auctions worldwide. Contemporary means: […]

Influential Contemporary Art Exhibitions in the 20th and 21st Century

Overview Influential Exhibitions
Influential Contemporary Art Exhibitions

Influential Contemporary Art Exhibitions in the 20th and 21st Century Only time may tell us about the influence of an exhibition. Each decade has its own viewpoints. The artist-info selection below is not based on any ‘blockbuster’ criteria. It is our wide range of research from 1880 up to the present which adds exhibitions to this constantly updated list, some are well known and those which shouldn’t be forgotten. You find for each exhibition in […]

artist-info Exhibition History Summary

Exhibition Records Summary

Exhibition History Provides Important Insight “You do not need to be a millionaire to access high quality but you do need to put a bit of time and effort into your own research or gaining access to some objective advice.” Clare McAndrew,   Studying an artist’s work, reading an art critic’s opinion, and looking at recent as well as older artwork to understand how perspectives and point of views do change is important.   All your […]