All posts tagged: Museum Research

Museum Research related contnet – Online Reference and Index for artists, exhibition venues, and curators built on exhibition information of many decades

Exhibition information as reference – Online Reference and Index for artists, exhibition venues, and curators built on exhibition information of many decades To be part of the top 100 artists or exhibition venues is nice because everybody knows them. But what about all others: Not only of the past few years, as well as for the past 120 years? How to find them, and additional information on them? Exhibition Information: Reference and Index   Exhibitions and their published details […]

Easy access to additional resources with our Wikipedia and WorldCat-Identity link insight
Wikipedia and WorldCat-Identity link

Easy access to additional resources with our Wikipedia and WorldCat-Identity link as a reference for artists, exhibition venues, curators and their exhibitions The artist-info exhibition-history page for artists, for galleries, museums, non-profit and collector’s venues is a unique possibility to document exhibition information. Complete information on group-exhibitions and cross-linking the exhibition details revalues the important function exhibitions always had and will have, as the most influential place to present artwork to the public. The […]

artist-info insight – Review 2015 insight
artist-info Review 2015 review 2015 New services, more valuable Analytics and Insight is a documentary source for solo- and group-exhibitions of contemporary art since 1929. Cross-linking the exhibition history of more than 149.260 artists, 5.940 curators and 11.500 exhibition venues with more than 496.600 exhibitions provides new insight for evaluation and analytics like exhibition statistics and visualizing art networks. Exhibitions since 1929 Many researched solo- and group-exhibitions were added to artist-info database, especially from earlier decades […]

Influential Contemporary Art Exhibitions in the 20th and 21st Century

Overview Influential Exhibitions
Influential Contemporary Art Exhibitions

Influential Contemporary Art Exhibitions in the 20th and 21st Century Only time may tell us about the influence of an exhibition. Each decade has its own viewpoints. The artist-info selection below is not based on any ‘blockbuster’ criteria. It is our wide range of research from 1880 up to the present which adds exhibitions to this constantly updated list, some are well known and those which shouldn’t be forgotten. You find for each exhibition in […]

Visualizing Art Networks

ARTIST-artists network visualization

Visalizing Art Networks How are artists and exhibition places and curators connected among each other? The world of contemporary fine art might have many random aspects, but on an upper level the bits and pieces summarize to network structures and clusters. It is the first time ever a network graph is used to analyse and describe the world of contemporary art with artists, curators, and exhibition places. The exhibition history is for all, the artist […]