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Exhibition History 

Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 11 ( S 8/ G 3) Shown Artists - Top 5 of 125
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Marc Chagall [Moishe Segal, Mark Zacharovic Shagal] [Mark Sacharovitsch Sagal] [Sagalov] (2) - 560
Jan van Leeuwen (2) - 5
Geno Rodriguez (1) - 4
J. Roseman (1) - 2
Humberto Rivas (1) - 14
Artists in exhibitions 125
Curators in exhibitions 3
Linked to other venues through shown artists
1529:   689 / 401 / 424 / 15
artist-info records Feb 1966 - Sep 2013
Curators - Top 3 of 3 (no. of shows ) Ruth Apter-Gabriel (1)
Nissan N. Perez (1)
Meira Perry-Lehmann (1)
Linked through shown artists - Top 5 of 1529 venues
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (1/7)
Pierre Matisse Gallery
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (2/7)
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - SRGM
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris - MAM (1/2)
Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement Portfolio S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions   (..) Exhibitions + Favorites
Feldmann, Hans-Peter (1941 - 2023) S Jun 2013 - Sep 2013   (152) +1
Miró, Joan (1893 - 1983) S Feb 2013 - Jun 2013   (677) +0
Agassi, Nelly (*1973) S Dec 2012 - Apr 2013   (4) +0
Borkovsky, Joshua (*1952) S Dec 2012 - Apr 2013   (4) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Frank Auerbach

 - Landscapes on paper
Auerbach, Frank (*1931) S Jun 2012 - Aug 2012   (77) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

From Dada to Surrealism

 - Jewish Avant-Garde Artists from Romania, 1910-1938
Brauner, Victor (1903 - 1966) G Nov 2011 - Apr 2012   (120) +0
Janco, Marcel (1895 - 1984) G   (32) +0
Maxy, M.H. [Max Herman] (1895 - 1971) G   (10) +0
Perahim, Jules (1914 - 2008) G   (8) +0
Päun, Paul [Zaharia Herșcovici] (1915 - 1994) G   (3) +0
Segal, Arthur (1875 - 1944) G   (54) +0
Tzara, Tristan [Samuel Rosenstock] (1896 - 1963) G   (30) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Revelation - representations of Christ in photography

 - Corpus Christi – Christus-Darstellungen Aus Drei Jahrhunderten Photographie
Abramović, Marina (*1946) G May 2003 - Oct 2003   (134) +0
Alborta, Freddy G   (2) +0
Apollo, Batya G   (1) +0
Bayard, Hippolyte (1801 - 1887) G   (14) +0
Berest, Deganit (*1949) G   (8) +0
Berg, Charles I. G   (3) +0
Bert, A. G   (1) +0
Blank, Harrod G   (2) +0
Bonnard, Louis G   (1) +0
Bonzon, Arièle (*1955) G   (4) +0
Bramly, Serge G   (4) +0
Brigman, Anne Wardrope (1869 - 1950) G   (15) +0
Burrows, Larry (1926 - 1971) G   (8) +0
Cameron, Julia Margaret (1815 - 1879) G   (48) +0
Catany, Toni (1942 - 2014) G   (14) +0
Chagall, Marc (1887 - 1985) G   (560) +0
Cohen, Ayelet Hashahar G   (1) +0
Day, Frederick Holland (1864 - 1933) G   (18) +0
Demos, John (*1944) G   (10) +0
Drtikol, František (1883 - 1961) G   (37) +0
Dugdale, John (*1960) G   (17) +0
Dupain, Max (1911 - 1992) G   (6) +0
Durieu, Eugène (1800 - 1874) G   (4) +0
Enrie, Giuseppe (1886 - 1961) G   (4) +0
Enslen, Johann Carl (1759 - 1848) G   (1) +0
Eppridge, Bill [William E.] (1938 - 2013) G   (3) +0
Ernst, Max (1891 - 1976) G   (589) +0
Evergon, [Celluloso Evergoni, Egon Brut, Eve R. Gonzales, Alan Elder] (*1946) G   (17) +0
Frare, Thérèse (*1958) G   (3) +0
Garban, André (1878 - 1957) G   (4) +0
Girsch, Pesi (*1954) G   (7) +0
Harrison, Gabriel G   (2) +0
Heartfield, John [Helmut Herzfeld] (1891 - 1968) G   (75) +0
Hine, Lewis Wickes (1874 - 1940) G   (59) +0
Hugnet, Georges (1906 - 1974) G   (40) +0
Jabbour, Noël (*1970) G   (8) +0
Jeandel, Charles-François (1859 - 1942) G   (2) +0
Kantor, Joel (*1948) G   (3) +0
Kertész, André (1894 - 1985) G   (146) +0
Kirshner, Micha (*1947) G   (2) +0
Koelbl, Herlinde (*1939) G   (42) +0
Korff, H. G   (2) +0
Kratzman, Miki G   (2) +0
Krims, Leslie (*1943) G   (27) +0
Käsebier, Gertrude [Gertrude Stanton] (1852 - 1934) G   (34) +0
Leeuwen, Jan van (*1932) G   (5) +0
Leeuwen, Jan van (*1932) G   (5) +0
Lehnert & Landrock, [Rudolf Franz Lehnert *1878 & Ernst Landrock *1878] G   (8) +0
Leibovitz, Annie (*1949) G   (26) +0
Lê, Dinh Q. (1968 - 2024) G   (24) +0
MORIMURA, Yasumasa (*1951) G   (70) +0
Mamedov, Rauf [Raoef] (*1956) G   (11) +1
Man Ray, [Emmanuel Rudinski] (1890 - 1976) G   (496) +0
Mapplethorpe, Robert (1946 - 1989) G   (216) +0
Marconi, Gaudenzio (*1842) G   (6) +0
Markus, Kurt G   (3) +0
McDermott & McGough, [David Walter McDermott *1952, Peter Thomas McGough *1958] G   (31) +0
Michals, Duane (*1932) G   (103) +0
Mikhailov, Boris Andriyovych (*1938) G   (101) +0
Mizrahi, Ilan G   (2) +0
Muñiz, Vik (*1961) G   (125) +0
Natan, Efrat G   (3) +0
Nes, Adi (*1965) G   (12) +0
O'Reilly, John (*1930) G   (21) +0
ORLAN, (*1947) G   (32) +0
Ortiz Echagüe, José (1886 - 1980) G   (3) +0
Palma, Luis González (*1957) G   (40) +0
Pierre & Gilles, [Pierre Commoy *1950 & Gilles Blanchard *1953] G   (26) +0
Pierson, Jack (*1960) G   (135) +0
Rejlander, O.G. [Oscar Gustave] (1813 - 1875) G   (11) +0
Rheims, Bettina (*1952) G   (42) +0
Riis, Jacob August (1849 - 1914) G   (12) +0
Rivas, Humberto (*1937) G   (14) +0
Rodriguez, Geno G   (4) +0
Roseman, J. G   (2) +0
Saudek, Jan (*1935) G   (48) +0
Serrano, Andrés (*1950) G   (72) +0
Sert, José Maria (1874 - 1945) G   (11) +0
Shirman, Simcha (*1947) G   (4) +0
Simon, Daniel G   (1) +0
Smith, W. Eugene (1918 - 1978) G   (44) +0
Sommer, Frederick (1905 - 1999) G   (50) +0
Strand, Paul (1890 - 1976) G   (105) +0
Tal, Boaz (*1952) G   (6) +0
Templier, E.C. G   (2) +0
Teske, Edmund (1911 - 1996) G   (10) +0
Thomson, John (1837 - 1921) G   (12) +0
Tokuno, Dean G   (2) +0
Tune, C. G   (2) +0
Ulmann, Doris [Doris Jaeger] (1882 - 1934) G   (15) +0
Voinquel, Raymond (1912 - 1994) G   (3) +0
Wallinger, Mark (*1959) G   (48) +0
Witkin, Joël-Peter (*1939) G   (55) +0
Wojnarowicz, David (1954 - 1992) G   (67) +0
Wolberg, Pavel (*1966) G   (5) +0
York, Pat G   (4) +0
Yoshida, Kimiko (*1963) G   (7) +0
Zoppis, Natale (*1952) G   (4) +0
Zugibe, Frederick Thomas (1928 - 2013) G   (3) +0
Álvarez-Bravo, Manuel (1902 - 2002) G   (86) +0
Perez, Nissan N. (curator)       (2) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Tradition and Revolution

 - The Jewish Renaissance in Russian Avant-Garde Art, 1912-1928
Altman, Nathan Isayevich (1889 - 1970) G Jun 1987 - Jun 1987   (53) +0
Aronson, Boris (1898 - 1980) G   (8) +0
Chagall, Marc (1887 - 1985) G   (560) +0
Chaykov [Tchaikov], Iosif Moiseevich (1888 - 1979) G   (13) +0
Elman, Yosef G   (2) +0
Falk, Robert Rafaelovich (1886 - 1958) G   (26) +0
Lissitzky, El [Lazar Markovich] (1890 - 1941) G   (269) +0
Rabinovich, Isaak (1894 - 1961) G   (4) +0
Rabitchev, Isaac Binitch (1894 - 1961) G   (2) +0
Ryback, Issachar Ber (1897 - 1935) G   (13) +0
Shifrin, Nisson Abramovich (1892 - 1961) G   (3) +0
Tyshler, Alexander Grigorievitch (1898 - 1980) G   (19) +0
Apter-Gabriel, Ruth (curator)       (1) +0
Perry-Lehmann, Meira (curator)       (2) +0
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