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Exhibition History 

Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 107 ( S 79/ G 28) Shown Artists - Top 5 of 838
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Paul Klee (8) - 719
Ferdinand Hodler (6) - 163
Albert Anker (6) - 21
Cuno Amiet [Kuno Amiet] (5) - 94
Ernst Kreidolf (4) - 21
Artists in exhibitions 838
Curators in exhibitions 23
Linked to other venues through shown artists
3124:   1588 / 650 / 851 / 35
artist-info records May 1936 - Nov 2020
Curators - Top 5 of 23 (no. of shows ) Kathleen Bühler (4)
Matthias Frehner (4)
Christoph Wagner (2)
Nina Zimmer (2)
Claudine Metzger (2)
Linked through shown artists - Top 5 of 3124 venues
Kunsthaus Zürich
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (1/7)
Kunsthalle Bern
Kunsthalle Basel
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris - MAM (1/2)
Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement Portfolio S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions   (..) Exhibitions + Favorites
Permalink Exhibition Title

El Anatsui

 - Triumphant Scale
El Anatsui, (*1944) S Mar 2020 - Nov 2020   (26) +0
Enwezor, Okwui (1963 - 2019) (curator)       (13) +1
Okeke-Agulu, Chika (*1966) (curator)       (4) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Teruko Yokoi

 - Tokyo-New York-Paris-Bern
Yokoi, Teruko (*1924) S Jan 2020 - Aug 2020   (10) +0
Dziewańska, Marta (curator)       (2) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Alles zerfällt

 - Schweizer Kunst von Böcklin bis Vallotton
Amiet, Cuno (1868 - 1961) G Dec 2019 - Sep 2020   (94) +0
Anker, Albert (1831 - 1910) G   (21) +0
Baud-Bovy, Auguste (1848 - 1899) G   (3) +0
Biéler, Ernest (1863 - 1948) G   (7) +0
Blancpain, Jules (1860 - 1914) G   (1) +0
Bonstetten, August von (1796 - 1879) G   (1) +0
Born, Karl Ludwig (1864 - 1914) G   (2) +0
Boss, Eduard (1873 - 1958) G   (12) +0
Boss, Karl Ludwig (1864 - 1914) G   (1) +0
Boutibonne, Charles-Édouard (1816 - 1897) G   (1) +0
Breslau, Louise Catherine (1856 - 1927) G   (10) +0
Buchser, Frank (1828 - 1890) G   (12) +0
Buri, Max (1868 - 1915) G   (21) +0
Böcklin, Arnold (1827 - 1901) G   (90) +0
Calame, Alexandre (1810 - 1864) G   (16) +0
Castán, Gustave Eugène (1823 - 1892) G   (3) +0
Colombi, Plinio (1873 - 1951) G   (3) +0
Diday, François (1802 - 1877) G   (3) +0
Elmiger, Franz (1882 - 1934) G   (4) +0
Erlach, Anna Elisabeth von (1856 - 1906) G   (1) +0
Frölicher, Otto (1840 - 1890) G   (9) +0
Gehri, Karl (1850 - 1922) G   (2) +0
Giacometti, Giovanni Ulrico (1868 - 1933) G   (59) +0
Girardet, Édouard (1819 - 1880) G   (2) +0
Hodler, Ferdinand (1853 - 1918) G   (163) +1
Klee, Paul (1879 - 1940) G   (719) +0
Koller, Johann Rudolf (1828 - 1905) G   (16) +0
Kreidolf, Ernst (1863 - 1956) G   (21) +0
Loppe, Gabriel (1825 - 1913) G   (2) +0
Lugardon, Albert (1827 - 1909) G   (1) +0
Methfessel, Adolf (1836 - 1909) G   (1) +0
Meuron, Albert de (1823 - 1897) G   (4) +0
Pauli, Fritz Eduard (1891 - 1968) G   (26) +0
Rappard, Clara von (1857 - 1912) G   (3) +0
Reichlen, Joseph (1846 - 1913) G   (1) +0
Ritz, Raphael (1829 - 1894) G   (2) +0
Robert, Léo-Paul (1851 - 1923) G   (2) +0
Simon, Friedrich Rudolf (1828 - 1862) G   (3) +0
Snell, Rudolf (1823 - 1898) G   (1) +0
Stauffer-Bern, Karl (1857 - 1891) G   (21) +0
Stebler-Hopf, Annie (1861 - 1918) G   (3) +0
Steffan, Johann Gottfried (1815 - 1905) G   (10) +0
Stäbli, Johann Adolf (1842 - 1901) G   (17) +0
Stückelberg, Ernst (1831 - 1903) G   (8) +0
Trachsel, Albert (1863 - 1929) G   (8) +0
Vallotton, Félix (1865 - 1925) G   (181) +0
Volmar, Carl Franz Rudolf (1804 - 1846) G   (2) +0
Volmar, Joseph Simon (1796 - 1865) G   (2) +0
Welti, Albert (1862 - 1912) G   (24) +0
Zünd, Robert (1827 - 1909) G   (14) +0
Dziewańska, Marta (curator)       (2) +0
Wismer, Etienne (curator)       (1) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Johannes Itten

 - Kunst als Leben. Bauhausutopien und Doklumente der Wirklichkeit
Itten, Johannes (1888 - 1967) S Aug 2019 - Feb 2020   (105) +0
Wagner, Christoph (curator)       (2) +0
Zimmer, Nina (*1973) (curator)       (6) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title


 - Parallelismus
Hodler, Ferdinand (1853 - 1918) S Sep 2018 - Jan 2019   (163) +1
Madeline, Laurence (curator)       (1) +0
Zimmer, Nina (*1973) (curator)       (6) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Die Revolution ist tot. Lang lebe die Revolution (1/2)

 - Von Deineka bis Bartana
Adliwankin, Samuil Jakowlewitsch (1897 - 1966) G Apr 2017 - Jul 2017   (4) +0
Bartana, Yael (*1970) G   (56) +0
Baselitz, Georg (*1938) G   (386) +0
Bisky, Norbert (*1970) G   (26) +0
Bri-Beyn, Mariya Felixovna (1892 - 1971) G   (2) +0
Bulatov, Erik Vladimirovich (*1933) G   (33) +0
Cilins, Nicolas (*1985) G   (5) +0
Dammbeck, Lutz (*1948) G   (32) +0
Deyneka, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich (1899 - 1969) G   (26) +0
Dubossarsky & Vinogradov, [Vladimir Dubossarsky *1964 & Alexander Vinogradov *1963] G   (19) +0
Gerasimov, Alexander Mikhaylovich (1881 - 1963) G   (7) +0
Gizewitsch, Wera Adamowna (*1897) G   (4) +0
Grigorescu, Ion (*1945) G   (17) +0
Herold, Jörg (*1965) G   (49) +0
Immendorff, Jörg (1945 - 2007) G   (191) +0
Kabakov, Ilya Iosifovich (1933 - 2023) G   (127) +0
Kippenberger, Martin (1953 - 1997) G   (276) +0
Klutsis, Gustav Gustavowitsch (1895 - 1938) G   (89) +0
Komar & Melamid, [Vitaly Komar *1943 & Alexander Melamid *1945] G   (53) +0
Kulagina, Valentina Nikifirowna (1902 - 1987) G   (19) +0
Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1879 - 1935) G   (289) +0
Mattheuer, Wolfgang (1927 - 2004) G   (46) +0
Mikhailov, Boris Andriyovych (*1938) G   (101) +0
Narkevičius, Deimantas (*1964) G   (67) +0
Norstein, Juri (*1941) G   (1) +0
Peleschjan, Artavazd (*1938) G   (2) +0
Petrov-Vodkin, Kuzma Sergeevich (1878 - 1939) G   (18) +0
Pimenov, Iurii Iwanowitsch (1903 - 1977) G   (18) +0
Pinus, Natalja Sergejewna (1901 - 1986) G   (8) +0
Robakowski, Józef (*1939) G   (37) +0
Samokhvalov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich (1894 - 1971) G   (13) +0
Schleime, Cornelia (*1953) G   (63) +0
Senkin, Sergej Jakowlewitsch (1894 - 1963) G   (21) +0
Sitte, Willi (1921 - 2013) G   (32) +0
Swarog, Wassili Semjonowitsch (1883 - 1946) G   (1) +0
Tetzlaff, Kurt (*1933) G   (1) +0
Weiss, Ulrich (*1942) G   (1) +0
Zdjelar, Katarina (*1979) G   (20) +0
Bühler, Kathleen (curator)       (4) +0
Panayotidis, Nakis (*1947) S Nov 2014 - Mar 2015   (5) +0
Huws, Bethan (*1961) S Oct 2014 - Feb 2015   (59) +0
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