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Exhibition History 

Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 24 ( S 12/ G 12) Shown Artists - Top 5 of 766
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Max Liebermann (5) - 310
Lovis Corinth [Louis Corinth, Franz Heinrich Louis Corinth] (3) - 307
Friedrich Heinrich Füger [Fueger] (3) - 5
Vincent van Gogh (3) - 285
Johann Baptist Lampi (3) - 4
Artists in exhibitions 766
Curators in exhibitions 6
Linked to other venues through shown artists
1465:   571 / 467 / 410 / 17
artist-info records Feb 1880 - Nov 2022
Curators - Top 5 of 6 (no. of shows ) Woldemar von Seidlitz (3)
Hugo von Tschudi (3)
Angelika Wesenberg (2)
Ralph Gleis (1)
Philipp Demandt (1)
Linked through shown artists - Top 5 of 1466 venues
Galerie Ernst Arnold
Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer
Berliner Secession
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (2/7)
Kunstverein in Hamburg
Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement Portfolio S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions   (..) Exhibitions + Favorites
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Mein Liebermann

 - Eine Hommage
Liebermann, Max (1847 - 1935) S Jul 2022 - Nov 2022   (310) +0
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Dekadenz und dunkle Träume

 - Der belgische Symbolismus
Brun, Georges Le (1873 - 1914) G Sep 2020 - Jan 2021   (4) +0
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley (1833 - 1898) G   (15) +0
Böcklin, Arnold (1827 - 1901) G   (90) +0
Craco, Arthur (1869 - 1955) G   (2) +0
Degouve de Nuncques, William (1867 - 1935) G   (12) +0
Delville, Jean (1867 - 1953) G   (7) +0
Doudelet, Charles (1861 - 1938) G   (1) +0
Dubois, Paul Maurice Joseph (1859 - 1938) G   (11) +0
Ensor, James (1860 - 1949) G   (161) +0
Evenepoel, Henri (1872 - 1899) G   (12) +0
Fabry, Émile Barthélémy (1865 - 1966) G   (5) +0
Feure, Georges de (1868 - 1943) G   (6) +0
Frampton, George (1860 - 1928) G   (3) +0
Frédéric, Léon Henri (1856 - 1940) G   (17) +0
Groux, Henri de (1866 - 1930) G   (7) +0
Hammershøi, Vilhelm (1864 - 1916) G   (16) +0
Hodler, Ferdinand (1853 - 1918) G   (163) +1
Keller, Albert von (1844 - 1920) G   (31) +0
Khnopff, Fernand (1858 - 1921) G   (29) +0
Klimt, Gustav (1862 - 1918) G   (79) +0
Klinger, Max (1857 - 1920) G   (119) +0
Laermans, Eugène (1864 - 1940) G   (14) +0
Mellery, Xavier (1845 - 1921) G   (8) +0
Mertens, Charles (1865 - 1919) G   (6) +0
Minne, George (1866 - 1941) G   (51) +0
Montald, Constant (1862 - 1944) G   (3) +0
Moreau, Gustave (1826 - 1898) G   (32) +0
Motte, Émile (1860 - 1931) G   (2) +0
Munch, Edvard (1863 - 1944) G   (309) +1
Portaels, Jean François (1818 - 1895) G   (2) +0
Redon, Odilon (1840 - 1916) G   (163) +0
Rops, Félicien (1833 - 1898) G   (34) +0
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828 - 1882) G   (14) +0
Rousseau, Victor Léopold (1865 - 1954) G   (8) +0
Rysselberghe, Théo van (1862 - 1926) G   (68) +0
Samuel-Blum, Juliette (1877 - 1931) G   (1) +0
Schwabe, Carlos (1866 - 1926) G   (5) +0
Spilliaert, Léon (1881 - 1946) G   (22) +0
Stappen, Pierre Charles van der (1843 - 1910) G   (10) +0
Stuck, Franz von (1863 - 1928) G   (117) +0
Toorop, Jan (1858 - 1928) G   (32) +0
Whistler, James A. McNeill (1834 - 1903) G   (114) +0
Gleis, Ralph (*1973) (curator)       (1) +0
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Kampf um Sichtbarkeit

 - Künstlerinnen der Nationalgalerie vor 1919
Bardua, Caroline (1781 - 1864) G Oct 2019 - Mar 2020   (3) +0
Biedermann-Arendts, Hermine (1855 - 1916) G   (3) +0
Biel, Antonie (1830 - 1880) G   (2) +0
Britze, Marianne (1883 - 1980) G   (5) +0
Caspar-Filser, Maria (1878 - 1968) G   (57) +0
Daege, Eduard (1805 - 1883) G   (1) +0
Ellenrieder, Marie (1791 - 1863) G   (3) +0
Erdmann, Alma (1872 - 1933) G   (3) +0
Felder, Katharina (1816 - 1848) G   (1) +0
Froriep, Bertha (1833 - 1920) G   (1) +0
Genthe, Julie (1869 - 1938) G   (3) +0
Goncharova, Natalia Sergeyevna (1881 - 1962) G   (135) +0
Haim-Wentscher, Tina (1887 - 1974) G   (8) +0
Hasse, Sella (1878 - 1963) G   (16) +0
Heemskerck, Jacoba van (1876 - 1923) G   (68) +0
Hitz, Dora (1856 - 1924) G   (43) +0
Jerichau-Baumann, Elisabeth (1819 - 1881) G   (1) +0
Kaiserin Victoria, [Victoria von Großbritannien und Irland] (1840 - 1901) G   (1) +0
Kollwitz, Käthe (1867 - 1945) G   (251) +0
Kögel, Linda (1861 - 1940) G   (7) +0
Körner, Emma Sophie (1788 - 1815) G   (1) +0
Lehmaier, Pauline (*1871) G   (1) +0
Lepsius, Sabine (1864 - 1942) G   (21) +0
Lobedan, Clara (1840 - 1917) G   (2) +0
Meyer, Fanny (1842 - 1909) G   (1) +0
Modersohn-Becker, Paula (1876 - 1907) G   (151) +0
Monjé, Paula (1849 - 1919) G   (4) +0
Münter, Gabriele (1877 - 1962) G   (128) +0
Ney, Elisabet (1833 - 1907) G   (2) +0
O'Connell, Frédérique Emilie Auguste (1823 - 1885) G   (2) +0
Parlaghy, Vilma Elisabeth von (1863 - 1923) G   (7) +0
Parmentier, Marie von (1846 - 1879) G   (3) +0
Peters, Anna (1843 - 1926) G   (8) +0
Schoene, Johanna (1878 - 1920) G   (2) +0
Schwind, Moritz von (1804 - 1871) G   (26) +0
Seidler, Louise Caroline Sophie (1786 - 1866) G   (2) +0
Sintenis, Renée [Renate Alice] (1888 - 1965) G   (101) +0
Slavona, Maria (1865 - 1931) G   (37) +0
Spieler, Marie (1845 - 1913) G   (1) +0
Steinbach, Sabina von G   (1) +0
Therbusch, Anna Dorothea (1721 - 1782) G   (3) +0
Tønnesen, Ambrosia Theodora (1859 - 1948) G   (1) +0
Volkmar, Antonie (1827 - 1903) G   (1) +0
Wetzel, Ines (1878 - 1940) G   (8) +0
Wiegmann, Marie (1820 - 1893) G   (1) +0
Wolff, Sophie (1845 - 1944) G   (15) +0
Wolfthorn, Julie (1864 - 1944) G   (25) +0
Zitzewitz, Augusta von (1880 - 1960) G   (18) +0
Zuelzer, Gertrud (1873 - 1968) G   (4) +0
Deseyve, Yvette (curator)       (1) +0
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 - Kunstwende
Barlach, Ernst (1870 - 1938) G May 2015 - Sep 2015   (228) +0
Beckmann, Max (1884 - 1950) G   (528) +1
Blanche, Jacques-Émile (1861 - 1942) G   (31) +0
Bossi, Erma (1875 - 1952) G   (12) +0
Bracquemond, Marie (1841 - 1916) G   (3) +0
Caillebotte, Gustave (1848 - 1894) G   (20) +0
Chabaud, Auguste (1882 - 1955) G   (26) +0
Corinth, Lovis (1858 - 1925) G   (307) +0
Cézanne, Paul (1839 - 1906) G   (279) +0
Degas, Edgar (1834 - 1917) G   (204) +0
Dix, Otto (1891 - 1969) G   (350) +0
Dufy, Raoul (1877 - 1953) G   (216) +0
Gauguin, Paul (1848 - 1903) G   (244) +0
Gogh, Vincent van (1853 - 1890) G   (285) +0
Guys, Constantin (1802 - 1892) G   (20) +0
Heckel, Erich (1883 - 1970) G   (361) +0
Herrmann, Curt (1854 - 1929) G   (51) +0
Herrmann, Hans (1858 - 1942) G   (35) +0
Hodler, Ferdinand (1853 - 1918) G   (163) +1
Jawlensky, Alexej von (1864 - 1941) G   (249) +0
Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig (1880 - 1938) G   (468) +1
Kolbe, Georg (1877 - 1947) G   (164) +0
König, Leo von (1871 - 1944) G   (46) +0
Liebermann, Max (1847 - 1935) G   (310) +0
Looschen, Hans (1859 - 1923) G   (19) +0
Luce, Maximilien (1858 - 1941) G   (58) +0
Macke, August (1887 - 1914) G   (208) +0
Maillol, Aristide (1861 - 1944) G   (237) +0
Manet, Édouard (1832 - 1883) G   (183) +0
Marc, Franz (1880 - 1916) G   (285) +0
Meidner, Ludwig (1884 - 1966) G   (128) +0
Monet, Claude (1840 - 1926) G   (228) +0
Morisot, Berthe (1841 - 1895) G   (51) +0
Mueller, Otto (1874 - 1930) G   (184) +0
Munch, Edvard (1863 - 1944) G   (309) +1
Nolde, Emil (1867 - 1953) G   (443) +0
Orlík, Emil (1870 - 1932) G   (79) +0
Pechstein, Max (1881 - 1955) G   (279) +0
Pissarro, Camille (1830 - 1903) G   (155) +0
Renoir, Auguste [Pierre-Auguste] (1841 - 1919) G   (229) +0
Rohlfs, Christian (1849 - 1938) G   (201) +0
Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl (1884 - 1976) G   (372) +0
Signac, Paul (1863 - 1935) G   (125) +0
Sisley, Alfred (1839 - 1899) G   (113) +0
Slavona, Maria (1865 - 1931) G   (37) +0
Slevogt, Max (1868 - 1932) G   (185) +0
Steinhardt, Jakob (1887 - 1968) G   (32) +0
Tappert, Georg (1880 - 1957) G   (36) +0
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de (1864 - 1901) G   (201) +0
Ury, Lesser [Leo Lesser Ury] (1861 - 1931) G   (40) +0
Vlaminck, Maurice de (1876 - 1958) G   (150) +0
Wauer, William (1866 - 1962) G   (59) +0
Zügel, Heinrich Johann von (1850 - 1941) G   (54) +0
Wesenberg, Angelika (*1950) (curator)       (3) +0
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Rembrandt Bugatti

Bugatti, Rembrandt (1884 - 1916) S Mar 2014 - Jul 2014   (9) +0
Demandt, Philipp (curator)       (1) +0
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Eine Ästhetik des Widerstands - Alfredo Jaar

 - The way it is - An aesthetics of resistance
Jaar, Alfredo (*1956) S Jun 2012 - Sep 2012   (107) +0
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Ilja Repin

 - Auf der Suche nach Russland
Repin, Ilja Jefimowitsch (1844 - 1930) S Aug 2003 - Nov 2003   (15) +0
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Max Liebermann

 - Jahrhundertwende
Liebermann, Max (1847 - 1935) S Sep 1997 - Sep 1997   (310) +0
Wesenberg, Angelika (*1950) (curator)       (3) +0
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