Gallery | Galerie von Garvens

Jägerstraße 12a
D - 30167 Hannover - Germany Google Map
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Exhibition History 

Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 25 ( S 12/ G 13) Shown Artists - Top 5 of 77
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Oscar Kokoschka (4) - 329
Marc Chagall [Moishe Segal, Mark Zacharovic Shagal] [Mark Sacharovitsch Sagal] [Sagalov] (4) - 560
Alexander Porfirjowitsch Archipenko [Alexandr Porfirevich Arkhipenko] (4) - 227
Alexej von Jawlensky [Javlensky, Yavlensky, Yawlensky] (3) - 249
Wassily Kandinsky [Vasily Vasilyevich Kandinsky, Wassili Wassiljewitsch Kandinski, Basile Kandinsky] [Kandinskij] (3) - 689
Artists in exhibitions 77
Curators in exhibitions 0
Linked to other venues through shown artists
1165:   455 / 378 / 319 / 13
artist-info records Oct 1920 - Dec 1923
Curators - Top 0 of 0 (no. of shows ) Linked through shown artists - Top 5 of 1165 venues
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (1/7)
Galerie Der Sturm - Herwarth Walden
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (2/7)
Kunstverein in Hamburg
Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement Portfolio S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions  
(..) Exhibitions + Favorites
Permalink Exhibition Title

27 | Konstruktivisten - Moholy-Nagy, Lissitzky, Baumeister, Schlemmer

 - Sammlung von Garvens
Baumeister, Willi (1889 - 1955) G Nov 1923 - Dec 1923   (327) +0
Lissitzky, El [Lazar Markovich] (1890 - 1941) G   (269) +0
Móhóly-Nagy, László (1895 - 1946) G   (409) +0
Schlemmer, Oskar (1888 - 1943) G   (231) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

26 | Korbarbeiten von Hans Seutemann, Hannover

Seutemann, Hans S Oct 1923 - Nov 1923   (1) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

25 | Max Beckmann - Hans Meyboden - Werner Gilles

Beckmann, Max (1884 - 1950) G Sep 1923 - Sep 1923   (528) +1
Gilles, Werner (1894 - 1961) G   (99) +0
Meyboden, Hans (1901 - 1965) G   (23) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

24 | Otto Karguth - Fritz Stuckenberg - Chagall - Otto Modersohn

Chagall, Marc (1887 - 1985) G Jul 1923 - Jul 1923   (560) +0
Karguth, Otto G   (1) +0
Modersohn, Otto (1865 - 1943) G   (56) +0
Stuckenberg, Fritz (1881 - 1944) G   (58) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

23 | Christian Rohlfs - Aquarelle und graphische Arbeiten

 - Wilhelm Meyer, Braunschweig
Meyer, Otto Georg Willy (1890 - 1958) G May 1923 - May 1923   (6) +0
Rohlfs, Christian (1849 - 1938) G   (201) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

22 | Russische Künstler

 - Archipenko, Jawlensky, Chagall, Kandinsky, Puni, Bogislawskaja, Zadkin, Schuschun, Max Band, Elena Lißner
Archipenko, Alexander Porfirjowitsch (1887 - 1964) G Mar 1923 - Apr 1923   (227) +0
Band, Max (1900 - 1974) G   (4) +0
Boguslawskaja, Ksenia Leonidowna (1892 - 1972) G   (11) +0
Chagall, Marc (1887 - 1985) G   (560) +0
Charchoune, Serge Iwanowitsch (1888 - 1975) G   (60) +0
Jawlensky, Alexej von (1864 - 1941) G   (249) +0
Kandinsky, Wassily (1866 - 1944) G   (689) +1
Liessner-Blomberg, Jelena Arturowna (1897 - 1978) G   (10) +0
Puni, Ivan Albertovich [Jean Pougny] (1892 - 1956) G   (108) +0
Zadkine, Ossip (1890 - 1967) G   (101) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

21 | Otto Dix

 - Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Graphik
Dix, Otto (1891 - 1969) S Jan 1923 - Feb 1923   (350) +0
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