Gallery | Stable Gallery - Eleanor Ward

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Exhibition History 

Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 14 ( S 7/ G 7) Shown Artists - Top 5 of 260
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Raymond Parker [Ray Parker] (6) - 51
Wilfred Zogbaum [Wilfrid Zogbaum] (6) - 21
Elaine de Kooning [Elaine Marie de Kooning] (6) - 39
Joan Mitchell (6) - 186
Robert Arthur Goodnough [Robert Goodnough] (6) - 44
Artists in exhibitions 260
Curators in exhibitions 0
Linked to other venues through shown artists
1456:   750 / 375 / 312 / 19
artist-info records Jan 1953 - May 1964
Curators - Top 0 of 0 (no. of shows ) Linked through shown artists - Top 5 of 1456 venues
Whitney Museum of American Art
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (1/7)
Krannert Art Museum
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - SRGM
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (2/7)
Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement Portfolio S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions  
(..) Exhibitions + Favorites
Permalink Exhibition Title

Andy Warhol

 - The Personality of the Artist
Warhol, Andy (1928 - 1987) S Apr 1964 - May 1964   (946) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Andy Warhol

Warhol, Andy (1928 - 1987) S Nov 1962 - Nov 1962   (946) +0
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School of New York

 - Some Younger Artists
Frankenthaler, Helen (1928 - 2011) G Dec 1959 - Jan 1960   (176) +0
Goodnough, Robert Arthur (1917 - 2010) G   (44) +0
Hartigan, Grace (1922 - 2008) G   (69) +0
Johns, Jasper (*1930) G   (434) +0
Leslie, Alfred (1927 - 2023) G   (68) +0
Mitchell, Joan (1925 - 1992) G   (186) +0
Parker, Raymond (1922 - 1990) G   (51) +0
Rauschenberg, Robert (1925 - 2008) G   (671) +0
Rivers, Larry (1923 - 2002) G   (131) +0
Schueler, Jon (1916 - 1992) G   (26) +0
Stankiewicz, Richard Peter (1922 - 1983) G   (72) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title


Tworkov, Jack (1900 - 1982) S Apr 1959 - Apr 1959   (92) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Sixth Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture

Abbott, Mary (*1921) G May 1957 - Jun 1957   (14) +0
Albert, Calvin (1918 - 2007) G   (18) +0
Albizu, Olga (1924 - 2005) G   (2) +0
Baber, Alice (1928 - 1982) G   (5) +0
Baziotes, William (1912 - 1963) G   (135) +0
Beauchamp, Robert (1923 - 1995) G   (16) +0
Blaine, Nell (1922 - 1996) G   (21) +0
Bourgeois, Louise (1911 - 2010) G   (356) +0
Brooks, James D. (1906 - 1992) G   (85) +0
Cajori, Charles (1921 - 2013) G   (15) +0
Carone, Nicolas (1917 - 2010) G   (20) +0
Cavallon, Giorgio (1904 - 1989) G   (24) +0
Cherry, Herman (1909 - 1992) G   (14) +0
Conover, Robert Fremont (1920 - 1998) G   (14) +0
Cornell, Joseph (1903 - 1972) G   (208) +0
Craig, Martin (*1906) G   (8) +0
Crawford, Jane G   (2) +0
De Niro, Robert (1922 - 1993) G   (19) +0
Dodd, Lois (*1927) G   (19) +0
Donati, Enrico (1909 - 2009) G   (41) +0
Drummond, [Sally Hazelet] (*1924) G   (13) +0
Elias, Arthur (*1925) G   (3) +0
Farr, Fred White (1914 - 1973) G   (12) +0
Ferren, John (1905 - 1970) G   (53) +0
Fine, Perle (1908 - 1988) G   (46) +0
Follett, Jean Frances (1917 - 1991) G   (21) +0
Franks, Seymour (1916 - 1981) G   (10) +0
Fromboluti, Sideo [Syd] (*1920) G   (5) +0
Frost, Miles (*1923) G   (3) +0
Geist, Sidney (1914 - 2005) G   (11) +0
Girona, Julio (1914 - 2002) G   (3) +0
Goldberg, Michael (1924 - 2007) G   (62) +0
Goodnough, Robert Arthur (1917 - 2010) G   (44) +0
Gordin, Sidney (1918 - 1996) G   (22) +0
Gottlieb, Adolph (1903 - 1974) G   (201) +0
Graham, John D. [Ivan Gratianovitch Dombrowsky] (1886 - 1961) G   (56) +0
Greene, Balcomb (1904 - 1990) G   (49) +0
Grillo, John (1917 - 2014) G   (12) +0
Grippe, Peter (1912 - 2002) G   (25) +0
Grippi, Salvatore (*1921) G   (6) +0
Groell, Joseph (*1928) G   (6) +0
Groot, Nanno de (1913 - 1963) G   (5) +0
Guerrero, José (1914 - 1991) G   (18) +0
Guston, Philip (1913 - 1980) G   (240) +0
Hare, David (1917 - 1992) G   (90) +0
Hartigan, Grace (1922 - 2008) G   (69) +0
Hofmann, Hans (1880 - 1966) G   (225) +0
Ippolito, Angelo (1922 - 2001) G   (23) +0
Jensen, Alfred Julius (1903 - 1981) G   (69) +0
Johnson, Ray (1927 - 1995) G   (62) +0
Katz, Alex (*1927) G   (224) +0
Kerkam, Earl (1892 - 1965) G   (17) +0
Kienbusch, William (1914 - 1980) G   (31) +0
King, William (1925 - 2015) G   (36) +0
Kline, Franz (1910 - 1962) G   (168) +0
Kohn, Gabriel (1910 - 1975) G   (29) +0
Kooning, Elaine Marie de (1918 - 1989) G   (39) +0
Kooning, Willem de (1904 - 1997) G   (339) +0
Kotin, Albert (1907 - 1980) G   (8) +0
Krasner, Lee (1908 - 1984) G   (90) +0
Lassaw, Ibram (1913 - 2003) G   (67) +0
Leslie, Alfred (1927 - 2023) G   (68) +0
Levitan, Israel J. (1912 - 1982) G   (5) +0
Lewitin, Landès (1892 - 1966) G   (13) +0
Lindeberg, Linda (1915 - 1973) G   (5) +0
Marca-Relli, Conrad (1913 - 2000) G   (81) +0
Marisol, [Maria Sol Escobar] (1930 - 2016) G   (78) +0
Marsicano, Nicholas (1908 - 1991) G   (10) +0
Mitchell, Joan (1925 - 1992) G   (186) +0
Morris, Kyle (1918 - 1979) G   (24) +0
Motherwell, Robert (1915 - 1991) G   (316) +0
Müller, Jan (1922 - 1958) G   (25) +0
Nevelson, Louise (1899 - 1988) G   (225) +0
Newbill, Al James (*1921) G   (4) +0
Okada, Kenzō (1902 - 1982) G   (41) +0
Ortman, George Earl (1926 - 2015) G   (31) +0
Pace, Stephen S. (1918 - 2010) G   (22) +0
Park, Charlotte (1918 - 2010) G   (9) +0
Parker, Raymond (1922 - 1990) G   (51) +0
Pasilis, Felix (1922 - 2018) G   (10) +0
Passlof, Pat [Patricia] (1928 - 2011) G   (16) +0
Pearlstein, Philip (1924 - 2022) G   (83) +0
Pousette-Dart, Richard (1916 - 1992) G   (105) +0
Reinhardt, Ad (1913 - 1967) G   (172) +0
Resnick, Milton (1917 - 2004) G   (41) +0
Rivera, José de (1904 - 1985) G   (58) +0
Rocklin, Raymond (1922 - 2014) G   (12) +0
Rosati, James (1911 - 1988) G   (23) +0
Rose, Leatrice (1924 - 2014) G   (3) +0
Sander, Ludwig (1906 - 1975) G   (38) +0
Schanker, Louis (1903 - 1981) G   (54) +0
Schapiro, Miriam (1923 - 2015) G   (53) +0
Schlemowitz, Abram (1910 - 1998) G   (2) +0
Schnabel, Day N. (1905 - 1991) G   (19) +0
Schueler, Jon (1916 - 1992) G   (26) +0
Seliger, Charles (1926 - 2009) G   (26) +0
Slivka, David (1914 - 2010) G   (6) +0
Smith, David (1906 - 1965) G   (216) +0
Solomon, Hyde (1911 - 1982) G   (8) +0
Spaventa, George (1918 - 1978) G   (9) +0
Speyer, Nora (*1923) G   (9) +0
Squier, Jack Leslie (*1927) G   (13) +0
Stankiewicz, Richard Peter (1922 - 1983) G   (72) +0
Stefanelli, Joe (1921 - 2017) G   (28) +0
Terris, Albert (1916 - 2008) G   (3) +0
Thomas, Yvonne (1913 - 2009) G   (16) +0
Trajan, Turku (1887 - 1959) G   (9) +0
Tworkov, Jack (1900 - 1982) G   (92) +0
Vicente, Esteban (1903 - 2001) G   (46) +0
Vytlacil, Vaclav (1882 - 1984) G   (23) +0
Wheeler, Steve (1912 - 1992) G   (13) +0
Yamin, Alice (1927 - 1998) G   (2) +0
Yektai, Manoucher (*1921) G   (8) +0
Yunkers, Adja (1900 - 1983) G   (37) +0
Zogbaum, Wilfred (1915 - 1965) G   (21) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title


 - Exhibition of Paintings
Tworkov, Jack (1900 - 1982) S Apr 1957 - May 1957   (92) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Cy Twombly

Twombly, Cy (1928 - 2011) S Feb 1957 - Feb 1957   (302) +0
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