Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions
(..) Exhibitions + Favorites
Whitney Museum of American Art
Dec 1959 - Jan 1960
New York
1959 Annual Exhibition - 'Contemporary American Painting'
Whitney Museum of American Art
, United States
New York ,
United States
Sam Amato (1924 - 2015); Harold Baumbach (1903 - 2002); William Baziotes (1912 - 1963); Margit Beck (1915 - 1997); Fred Berman (1926); Janice [Janice Brustlein] Biala (1903 - 2000); George Biddle (1885 - 1973); Elmer Bischoff (1916 - 1991); Isabel Bishop (1902 - 1988); Frederick Everett Black (1924); Donald Stanley Bloom (1932); Norman Bluhm (1920 - 1999); Ilya Bolotowsky (1907 - 1981); Cameron Booth (1892 - 1980); Gandy Brodie (1924 - 1975); James D. Brooks (1906 - 1992); Louis Bunce (1907 - 1983); Charles Ephraim Burchfield (1893 - 1967); Paul Burlin (1886 - 1969); Peter Busa (1914 - 1985); Paul Cadmus (1904 - 1999); Gretna Campbell (1922 - 1987); Victor Candell (1903 - 1977); Giorgio Cavallon (1904 - 1989); Chi Chen (1912 - 2005); Carmen Louis Cicero (1926); Robert Fremont Conover (1920 - 1998); Rollin Crampton (1896 - 1970); Nassos Daphnis (1914 - 2010); Robert d' Arista (1929); Adolf Arthur Dehn (1895 - 1968); Willem de Kooning (1904 - 1997); Enrico Donati (1909 - 2009); Charles S. DuBack (1926); Edward Dugmore (1915 - 1996); Yonia Fain (1913 - 2013); Herbert Ferber (1906 - 1991); John Ferren (1905 - 1970); Louis Finkelstein (1923); Joseph A. Fiore (1925 - 2008); Seymour Fogel (1911 - 1984); Sam Francis (1923 - 1994); Jared French (1905 - 1988); Elias Friedensohn (1924 - 1991); Shirl Goedike (1923); Robert Arthur Goodnough (1917 - 2010); Adolph Gottlieb (1903 - 1974); Stephen Greene (1917 - 1999); Augustus Frederick Goertz (1909 - 1995); John Grillo (1917 - 2014); Salvatore Grippi (1921); [Sally Hazelet] Drummond (1924); John Edward Heliker (1909 - 2000); Joseph Hirsch (1910 - 1981); Hans Hofmann (1880 - 1966); Carl Robert Holty (1900 - 1973); Edward Hopper (1882 - 1967); Josephine Nivison Hopper (1882 - 1968); William Ivey (1919 - 1992); Jasper Johns (1930); James Kearns (1924); Leon Kelly (1901 - 1982); Robert Keyser (1924 - 1999); William Kienbusch (1914 - 1980); Jonah Kinigstein (1923); Franz Kline (1910 - 1962); Otto Karl Knaths (1891 - 1971); Edward Laning (1906 - 1981); Alfred Leslie (1927 - 2023); John Harrison Levee (1924 - 2017); Si Lewen (1918); Julian Edwin Levi (1900 - 1982); Richard Lindner (1901 - 1978); Loren MacIver (1909 - 1998); Peppino Mangravite (1896 - 1978); Conrad Marca-Relli (1913 - 2000); Boris Margo (1902 - 1995); Keith Morrow Martin (1911 - 1983); James McGarrell (1930 - 2020); Hugh Mesibov (1916 - 2016); Edward Millman (1907 - 1964); Joan Mitchell (1925 - 1992); Peter Paul Mommer (1899 - 1963); William P. Morehouse (1929 - 1993); Robert Motherwell (1915 - 1991); George L. Mueller (1929); Walter Tandy Murch (1907 - 1967); Barnett Newman (1905 - 1970); Tetsuo Ochikubo (1923 - 1975); Kenzō Okada (1902 - 1982); Georgia O'Keeffe (1887 - 1986); Cyril Osborne; Charles Oscar (1923 - 1961); Arthur Osver (1912 - 2006); Carl Morris (1911 - 1993); William Pachner (1915 - 2017); Anthony Palumbo (1922 - 2008); David Park (1911 - 1960); James Penney (1910 - 1982); Irene Rice Pereira (1902 - 1971); George Alexander Picken (1898 - 1971); Anne Poor (1918 - 2002); Fairfield Porter (1907 - 1975); Richard Pousette-Dart (1916 - 1992); Gregorio Prestopino (1907 - 1984); Leo William Quanchi (1892 - 1974); Leo Rabkin (1919 - 2015); Abraham Rattner (1893 - 1978); Ruth Ray (1919 - 1977); Ad Reinhardt (1913 - 1967); Milton Resnick (1917 - 2004); Dean Richardson (1931); Kurt Ferdinand Roesch (1905 - 1984); William Ronald (1926 - 1998); Lucia Autorino Salemme (1919 - 2010); Charles Leon Schucker (1908 - 1998); Jon Schueler (1916 - 1992); George Segal (1924 - 2000); Ben Shahn (1898 - 1969); Charles Rettew Sheeler (1883 - 1965); Sarai Sherman (1922 - 2013); Symeon Shimin (1902 - 1984); Lundy Siegrist (1925); Thomas A. Sills (1914 - 2000); Sidney Simon (1917 - 1997); Mitchell Siporin (1910 - 1976); Kimber Smith (1922 - 1981); Syd Solomon (1917 - 2004); Everett Franklin Spruce (1908 - 2002); Theodoros Stamos (1922 - 1997); Hedda Sterne (1910 - 2011); James Strombotne (1934); Teiji Takai (1911 - 1986); Reuben Tam (1916 - 1991); Brie Taylor (1923); John Williams Taylor (1897 - 1983); Mark Tobey (1890 - 1976); Jack Tworkov (1900 - 1982); John van Wicht (1888 - 1970); Max Weber (1881 - 1961); Paul Wonner (1920 - 2008); Andrew Newell Wyeth (1917 - 2009); Adja Yunkers (1900 - 1983); Jack S. Zajac (1929);
Whitney Museum of American Art
Apr 1956 - Jun 1956
New York
1956 Annual Exhibition - Sculpture, Watercolors, Drawings (2/3) - 'Watercolors'
Whitney Museum of American Art
, United States
New York ,
United States
Ivan Le Lorraine Albright (1897 - 1983); Herb [Herbert] Aach (1923 - 1985); Milton Avery (1885 - 1965); Peggy Bacon (1895 - 1987); Virginia Banks (1920 - 1985); William Baziotes (1912 - 1963); Margit Beck (1915 - 1997); James D. Brooks (1906 - 1992); Byron Browne (1907 - 1961); Charles Ephraim Burchfield (1893 - 1967); Paul Burlin (1886 - 1969); Paul Cadmus (1904 - 1999); Lawrence Calcagno (1913 - 1993); Kenneth Callahan (1905 - 1986); Clarence Holbrook Carter (1904 - 2000); Chi Chen (1912 - 2005); Warrington W. Colescott (1921 - 2018); Roger L. Crossgrove (1921 - 2016); Stuart Davis (1892 - 1964); Adolf Arthur Dehn (1895 - 1968); Leonard Edmondson (1916 - 2002); Ethel Edwards (1915 - 1999); Berenice Feinstein; Josh Fendell; John Ferren (1905 - 1970); Keith Finch (1920 - 2000); Antonio Frasconi (1919 - 2013); David Fredenthal (1914 - 1958); Adomas Galdikas (1893 - 1969); Jan Gelb (1906 - 1978); Joseph Glasco (1925 - 1996); Xavier Gonzalez (1898 - 1993); Adolph Gottlieb (1903 - 1974); George [Georg Ehrenfried] Grosz (1893 - 1959); Albert William Heckman (1893 - 1971); Carl Heidenreich (1901 - 1965); John Edward Heliker (1909 - 2000); Hans Hofmann (1880 - 1966); John Hultberg (1922 - 2005); Angelo Ippolito (1922 - 2001); Ynez Johnston (1920 - 2019); Robert Kabak (1930); William Kienbusch (1914 - 1980); Dong Kingman (1911 - 2000); Jonah Kinigstein (1923); Jules Kirschenbaum (1930 - 2000); Richard Koppe (1916 - 1973); Lawrence Edward Kupferman (1909 - 1982); Maurice A. Lapp (1925 - 2014); James Lechay (1907 - 2001); Charles LeClair (1914 - 2007); Simon Levine; Richard Lindner (1901 - 1978); Beatrice Mandelman (1912 - 1998); Peppino Mangravite (1896 - 1978); De Hirsh Margules (1899 - 1965); John W. McCoy (1910 - 1989); Jesse Jay McVicker (1911 - 2004); Hugh Mesibov (1916 - 2016); Edward Millman (1907 - 1964); Carl Morris (1911 - 1993); George Morrison (1919 - 2000); Elizabeth M. Olds (1896 - 1991); Charles Oscar (1923 - 1961); Alfonso Angel Ossorio (1916 - 1990); Stephen S. Pace (1918 - 2010); Robert Andrew Parker (1927); Betty Parsons (1900 - 1982); Irene Rice Pereira (1902 - 1971); Ogden Minton Pleissner (1905 - 1983); Rudy O. Pozzatti (1925 - 2021); Gregorio Prestopino (1907 - 1984); George Stephen Rátkai (1907 - 1999); Andrée Ruellan (1905 - 2006); Karl Schrag (1912 - 1995); Georges Schreiber (1904 - 1977); Sonja Sekula (1918 - 1963); John Sennhauser (1907 - 1978); Theodoros Stamos (1922 - 1997); Saul Steinberg (1914 - 1999); Edward John Stevens (1923 - 1988); John Williams Taylor (1897 - 1983); William E. Thon (1906 - 2000); Mark Tobey (1890 - 1976); John van Wicht (1888 - 1970); Max Weber (1904 - 1926); Karl Zerbe (1903 - 1972); Jack Zuckerman (1920);
1955 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting
Whitney Museum of American Art
Nov 1955 - Jan 1956
New York
1955 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting
Whitney Museum of American Art
, United States
New York ,
United States
Samuel M. Adler (1898 - 1979); Josef Albers (1888 - 1976); Ivan Le Lorraine Albright (1897 - 1983); Albert Alcalay (1917 - 2008); Takeshi Asada; William Baziotes (1912 - 1963); Romare [Fred Romare Harry] Bearden (1911 - 1988); Rosemarie Beck (1923 - 2003); Thomas Duncan Benrimo (1887 - 1958); Claude R. Bentley (1915 - 1990); Ernestine Betsberg (1909 - 2007); Janice [Janice Brustlein] Biala (1903 - 2000); Arnold Blanch (1896 - 1968); Arbit [Nicolai Arbitblatas] Blatas (1908 - 1999); Yuli [Feiga] Blumberg (1894 - 1964); Seymour Boardman (1921 - 2005); Ilya Bolotowsky (1907 - 1981); Élie Borgrave (1905 - 1992); Ernest Briggs (1923 - 1984); James D. Brooks (1906 - 1992); Carlyle Brown (1919 - 1964); Colleen Browning (1918 - 2003); Hans Burkhardt (1904 - 1994); Peter Busa (1914 - 1985); Lawrence Calcagno (1913 - 1993); Victor Candell (1903 - 1977); Norman Carton (1908 - 1980); William Chaiken (1921 - 2021); Wynn Chamberlain (1928 - 2014); Herman Cherry (1909 - 1992); Carmen Louis Cicero (1926); Minna Citron (1896 - 1991); William G. Congdon (1912 - 1998); Robert Fremont Conover (1920 - 1998); Willard W. Cummings (1915 - 1975); Robert d' Arista (1929); Adolf Arthur Dehn (1895 - 1968); Robert De Niro (1922 - 1993); Richard Diebenkorn (1922 - 1993); Harvey Dinnerstein (1928 - 2022); Jimmy Ernst (1920 - 1984); Philip [Howard Blashki] Evergood (1901 - 1973); John Ferren (1905 - 1970); Ernest Fiene (1894 - 1965); Keith Finch (1920 - 2000); Jane Freilicher (1924 - 2014); Jared French (1905 - 1988); Shizuko Fujimoto; Lee Gatch (1902 - 1968); Fritz Glarner (1899 - 1972); Leon Golub (1922 - 2004); Byron Goto (1919); Adolph Gottlieb (1903 - 1974); Morris Graves (1910 - 2001); Robert Greco (1923 - 1965); Balcomb Greene (1904 - 1990); Stephen Greene (1917 - 1999); John Gregoropoulos (1921 - 2012); William Gropper (1897 - 1977); O. Louis Guglielmi (1906 - 1956); Carl Hall (1921 - 1996); Lily Harmon (1912 - 1998); Grace Hartigan (1922 - 2008); Léon Hartl (1889 - 1973); John Edward Heliker (1909 - 2000); Fannie Hillsmith (1911 - 2007); Joseph Hirsch (1910 - 1981); Margo Hoff (1912 - 2008); Hans Hofmann (1880 - 1966); John Hultberg (1922 - 2005); Herbert Henry Katzman (1923 - 2004); Leon Kelly (1901 - 1982); Earl Kerkam (1892 - 1965); Robert Keyser (1924 - 1999); Jules Kirschenbaum (1930 - 2000); Franz Kline (1910 - 1962); Otto Karl Knaths (1891 - 1971); Joseph L. [Joe] Lasker (1919 - 2015); James Chan Leong (1929); [Léonid Gustavovic Berman] Leonid (1896 - 1976); Jack Levine (1915 - 2010); Israel Litwak (1868 - 1960); Eugene David Ludins (1904 - 1996); Loren MacIver (1909 - 1998); Howard Mandel (1917 - 1999); Leo Manso (1914 - 1993); Conrad Marca-Relli (1913 - 2000); Boris Margo (1902 - 1995); Fletcher Martin (1904 - 1979); Keith Morrow Martin (1911 - 1983); Alice Trumbull Mason (1904 - 1971); Eugene Massin (1920); [Roberto Antonio Sebastian Matta Echaurren] Matta (1911 - 2002); James McGarrell (1930 - 2020); Sigmund Menkès (1896 - 1986); Felicia Meyer (1912 - 1978); Edward Millman (1907 - 1964); Joan Mitchell (1925 - 1992); Hans Moller (1905 - 2000); Randall Morgan (1920 - 1994); George L. Mueller (1929); Walter Tandy Murch (1907 - 1967); Kenzō Okada (1902 - 1982); Georgia O'Keeffe (1887 - 1986); John Opper (1908 - 1994); Arthur Osver (1912 - 2006); William C. Palmer (1906 - 1987); Philip Pearlstein (1924 - 2022); Irene Rice Pereira (1902 - 1971); Gabor F. Peterdi (1915 - 2001); George Alexander Picken (1898 - 1971); Alton Pickens (1917 - 1991); Walter Plate (1925 - 1972); Reginald Pollack (1924 - 2001); Richard Pousette-Dart (1916 - 1992); Gregorio Prestopino (1907 - 1984); Easton Pribble (1917 - 2003); Abraham Rattner (1893 - 1978); Rudolf Ray (1891 - 1984); Anton Refregier (1905 - 1979); Ad Reinhardt (1913 - 1967); Wallace Reiss (1925 - 1978); Louis Leon Ribak (1902 - 1979); Larry Rivers (1923 - 2002); Franklin Robbins (1917 - 1994); Herman [Herman Rappaport] Rose (1909 - 2007); Kay Sage (1898 - 1963); Lucia Autorino Salemme (1919 - 2010); Herbert Saslow (1920); David M. Sawin (1922 - 1992); Henry Ernest Schnakenberg (1892 - 1970); Charles Leon Schucker (1908 - 1998); Ethel Schwabacher (1903 - 1984); Curt Leopold Seligmann (1900 - 1962); Ben Shahn (1898 - 1969); Charles Rettew Sheeler (1883 - 1965); Sarai Sherman (1922 - 2013); Mitchell Siporin (1910 - 1976); Joseph Solman (1909 - 2008); Moses Soyer (1899 - 1974); Moses Soyer (1899 - 1974); Raphaël Soyer (1899 - 1987); Theodoros Stamos (1922 - 1997); Walter Stein (1924 - 1998); Reuben Tam (1916 - 1991); Stanley D. Tasker (1924 - 2006); Frederic K. Taubes (1900 - 1981); John Williams Taylor (1897 - 1983); Howard Thomas (1899 - 1971); Mark Tobey (1890 - 1976); Anthony Toney (1913 - 2004); George Tooker (1920 - 2011); Nahum Tschacbasov (1899 - 1984); Stanley Twardowicz (1917 - 2008); Jack Tworkov (1900 - 1982); Nicolai Ivanovič [Nicholas] Vasilieff (1892 - 1970); Esteban Vicente (1903 - 2001); Robert R. Vickrey (1926 - 2011); Martha Hamlin Visser't Hooft (1906 - 1994); John van Wicht (1888 - 1970); June C. Wayne (1918 - 2011); Max Weber (1881 - 1961); Walter Henry Williams (1920 - 1998); Sol Wilson (1896 - 1974); Jean Xcéron (1890 - 1967); Karl Zerbe (1903 - 1972);
J. S. Guggenheim Fellowship - Fine Arts, Photography, Film-Video
Jan 1954 - Dec 1954
New York
J. S. Guggenheim Fellowship - Fine Arts, Photography, Film-Video
, United States
New York ,
United States
John Szarkowski (1925 - 2007); Kenneth Callahan (1905 - 1986); Naum [Naum Neemia Pevsner] Gabo (1890 - 1977); Edward L. Haber; Joseph L. [Joe] Lasker (1919 - 2015); Bernard Perlin (1918 - 2014); Henry Rox (1899 - 1967); John Williams Taylor (1897 - 1983); Rafael Tufiño (1922 - 2008);
Whitney Museum of American Art
Apr 1953 - May 1953
New York
1953 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Sculpture, Watercolors and Drawings (2/3) - 'Watercolors'
Whitney Museum of American Art
, United States
New York ,
United States
Charles Annan; Stanley Bate (1903 - 1972); James D. Brooks (1906 - 1992); Carlyle Brown (1919 - 1964); Charles Ephraim Burchfield (1893 - 1967); Lucille Corcos (1908 - 1973); Konrad Cramer (1888 - 1963); Julio de Diego (1900 - 1979); Dorothy Dehner (1901 - 1994); Frank Davenport Duncan (1915 - 1979); Leonard Edmondson (1916 - 2002); Elizabeth Engelhard (1893 - 1965); Jimmy Ernst (1920 - 1984); Lyonel Feininger (1871 - 1956); David Fredenthal (1914 - 1958); Sue Fuller (1914 - 2006); Adolph Gottlieb (1903 - 1974); Morris Graves (1910 - 2001); John Grillo (1917 - 2014); Lena Gurr (1897 - 1992); William Halsey (1915); Albert William Heckman (1893 - 1971); Diana Heiskell (1910 - 2007); Harry Hoehn (1918 - 1974); Hans Hofmann (1880 - 1966); Ynez Johnston (1920 - 2019); Joe [Joseph John] Jones (1909 - 1963); Florence Kawa (1912); William Kienbusch (1914 - 1980); Dong Kingman (1911 - 2000); Richard Koppe (1916 - 1973); Lawrence Edward Kupferman (1909 - 1982); Irene Lagorio (1921); Jacob Lawrence (1917 - 2000); James Lechay (1907 - 2001); Simon Levine; Edmund D. [Edward] Lewandowski (1914 - 1998); Peppino Mangravite (1896 - 1978); Boris Margo (1902 - 1995); De Hirsh Margules (1899 - 1965); John Marin (1870 - 1953); Joseph J. Meert (1905 - 1989); Hans Moller (1905 - 2000); Charles Oscar (1923 - 1961); Alfonso Angel Ossorio (1916 - 1990); Stephen S. Pace (1918 - 2010); William Pachner (1915 - 2017); Betty Parsons (1900 - 1982); Gabor F. Peterdi (1915 - 2001); Donald A. Peters (1921 - 2003); Ogden Minton Pleissner (1905 - 1983); Gregorio Prestopino (1907 - 1984); Sara Provan (1917 - 1993); George Stephen Rátkai (1907 - 1999); Anne Ryan (1889 - 1954); Lucia Autorino Salemme (1919 - 2010); Karl Schrag (1912 - 1995); Georges Schreiber (1904 - 1977); Charles Seliger (1926 - 2009); John Sennhauser (1907 - 1978); Charles Green Shaw (1892 - 1974); Jacob Getlar Smith (1898 - 1958); Miron Sokole (1901 - 1985); Saul Steinberg (1914 - 1999); Edward John Stevens (1923 - 1988); John Williams Taylor (1897 - 1983); Donald S. Thrall (1918); Bror Utter (1913 - 1993); Henry Cady Wells (1904 - 1954); Andrew Newell Wyeth (1917 - 2009); Jack Zuckerman (1920);
Whitney Museum of American Art
Apr 1950 - May 1950
New York
1950 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Sculpture, Watercolors and Drawings (2/3) - 'Watercolors, Gouaches and Pastels'
Whitney Museum of American Art
, United States
New York ,
United States
Clay Bartlett (1907 - 1955); William Baziotes (1912 - 1963); Cecil Crosley Bell (1906 - 1970); Ben Benn (1884 - 1983); Eugène Berman (1899 - 1972); Virginia Berresford (1902 - 1995); Aaron Bohrod (1907 - 1992); Raymond Breinin (1910 - 2000); Charles Ephraim Burchfield (1893 - 1967); Howard Norton Cook (1901 - 1980); Lucille Corcos (1908 - 1973); Adolf Arthur Dehn (1895 - 1968); Dorothy Dehner (1901 - 1994); Beauford Delaney (1901 - 1979); Nathaniel Dirk (1895 - 1961); Jimmy Ernst (1920 - 1984); Ernest Fiene (1894 - 1965); Vera Fraser (1923 - 1963); David Fredenthal (1914 - 1958); Ruth Gikow (1915 - 1982); Lyonel Feininger (1871 - 1956); Xavier Gonzalez (1898 - 1993); Adolph Gottlieb (1903 - 1974); Morris Graves (1910 - 2001); Philip Guston (1913 - 1980); John Anthony Hartell (1902 - 1995); C. Bertram Hartman (1882 - 1960); John Edward Heliker (1909 - 2000); Fannie Hillsmith (1911 - 2007); Hans Hofmann (1880 - 1966); William Kienbusch (1914 - 1980); Dong Kingman (1911 - 2000); Henry Koerner (1915 - 1991); Lawrence Edward Kupferman (1909 - 1982); Chet LaMore (1908 - 1980); Jacob Lawrence (1917 - 2000); Wesley A. Lea (1914 - 1981); James Lechay (1907 - 2001); Jack Levine (1915 - 2010); Edmund D. [Edward] Lewandowski (1914 - 1998); Ward Lockwood (1894 - 1963); Loren MacIver (1909 - 1998); De Hirsh Margules (1899 - 1965); John Marin (1870 - 1953); Austin Merrill Mecklem (1894 - 1951); Hans Moller (1905 - 2000); Elizabeth Nottingham (1907 - 1956); William C. Palmer (1906 - 1987); Augustus Peck (1906 - 1975); Irene Rice Pereira (1902 - 1971); Harley Perkins (1883 - 1964); Bernard Perlin (1918 - 2014); Louise Pershing (1904 - 1986); Geri Pine (1914); Ogden Minton Pleissner (1905 - 1983); Josef Presser (1907 - 1967); Edward Rager (1914); Ad Reinhardt (1913 - 1967); Benjamin Rowland (1904 - 1972); Lucia Autorino Salemme (1919 - 2010); Louis Schanker (1903 - 1981); Georges Schreiber (1904 - 1977); John Sennhauser (1907 - 1978); Zoltan Leslie Sepeshy (1898 - 1974); Millard Owen Sheets (1907 - 1989); Mitchell Siporin (1910 - 1976); Theodoros Stamos (1922 - 1997); Edward John Stevens (1923 - 1988); Ary Stillman (1891 - 1967); Reuben Tam (1916 - 1991); Yves Tanguy (1900 - 1955); John Williams Taylor (1897 - 1983); William E. Thon (1906 - 2000); John van Wicht (1888 - 1970); Vaclav Vytlacil (1882 - 1984); Max Weber (1881 - 1961); Henry Cady Wells (1904 - 1954); Karl Zerbe (1903 - 1972);
Macbeth Gallery
Mar 1950 - Mar 1950
New York
John Taylor
Macbeth Gallery
, United States
New York ,
United States
John Williams Taylor (1897 - 1983);