Artist | Nelson Leirner (*1932)

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Artist Curator Exhibition Place

Exhibition History 

Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 18 (S 6/ G 12) Did show together with - Top 5 of 508 artists
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Cildo Meireles (4)- 78
Antônio Dias [Antonio Manuel Lima Dias] (4)- 63
Vik Muñiz (4)- 125
Sigmar Polke (3)- 401
Gerhard Richter [Gerd Richter] (3)- 529
Exhibitions by type
18:   7 / 5 / 6 / 0
Venues by type
12:   1 / 5 / 6 / 0
Curators 14
artist-info records May 1977 - Oct 2020
Countries - Top 5 of 8
Brazil (7)
United States (3)
Belgium (2)
Germany (2)
Spain (1)
Cities - Top 5 of 12
São Paulo (7)
Berlin (1)
Bochum (1)
New York (1)
Venezia (1)
Venues (no. of shows ) Top 5 of 12
Galeria Luisa Strina (7)
El Museo Del Barrio (1)
Centro de Arte Alcobendas - CAA (1)
Walker Art Center (1)
Kunstmuseum Bochum (1)
Curators (no. of shows) Top 5 of 14
Aracy Amaral(1), Marie-Odile Briot(1), Friedhelm Hütte(1), Frederico Morais(1), Roberto Pontual(1)
Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions   (..) Exhibitions + Favorites
PermalinkExhibition TitleExhibition Title

Mappa mundi

 - Cartographies contemporaines
Boghossian Foundation - Villa Empain G Mar 2020 - Oct 2020 Bruxelles (1) +0
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The World on Paper

PalaisPopulaire G Sep 2018 - Jan 2019 Berlin (2) +0
Hütte, Friedhelm (Curator)       +0
PermalinkExhibition TitleExhibition Title

International Pop

Walker Art Center G Apr 2015 - Sep 2015 Minneapolis (299) +0
Alexander, Darsie (Curator)       +0
Ryan, Bartholomew (Curator)       +0
Centro de Arte Alcobendas - CAA G Feb 2015 - Apr 2015 Madrid (16) +0
PermalinkExhibition TitleExhibition Title

Middle Gate - Geel '13

Middle Gate - Geel G Sep 2013 - Jan 2014 Geel (1) +0
Hoet, Jan (Curator)       +0
Santa Barbara Museum of Art - SBMA G Nov 2007 - Aug 2008 Los Angeles - Santa Barbara (82) +0
Daros Museum Zürich G Oct 2007 - Feb 2008 Zürich (18) +0
Steffen, Kartin (Curator)       +0
Herzog, Hans-Michael (Curator)       +0
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