Museum | Daros Museum Zürich

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Artist Curator Exhibition Place

Exhibition History 

Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 18 ( S 9/ G 9) Shown Artists - Top 5 of 80
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Guillermo Kuitca (4) - 71
Vik Muñiz (4) - 125
Antônio Dias [Antonio Manuel Lima Dias] (4) - 63
Cildo Meireles (3) - 77
Rosemberg Sandoval (3) - 9
Artists in exhibitions 80
Curators in exhibitions 3
Linked to other venues through shown artists
1425:   661 / 359 / 383 / 22
artist-info records Oct 2002 - Aug 2015
Curators - Top 3 of 3 (no. of shows ) Hans-Michael Herzog (15)
Kartin Steffen (8)
Käthe Walser (1)
Linked through shown artists - Top 5 of 1425 venues
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (1/7)
Leo Castelli - W.Broadway (past address)
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - SRGM
Whitney Museum of American Art
Neue Nationalgalerie
Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement Portfolio S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions   (..) Exhibitions + Favorites
Branco, Miguel Rio (*1946) G Mar 2015 - Aug 2015   (42) +0
Caldas, Waltércio (jr.) (*1946) G   (33) +0
Damasceno, José (*1968) G   (15) +0
Dias, Antônio (1944 - 2018) G   (63) +0
Machado, Milton (*1947) G   (7) +0
Meireles, Cildo (*1948) G   (77) +0
Muñiz, Vik (*1961) G   (125) +0
Neto, Ernesto (*1964) G   (75) +0
Camnitzer, Luís (*1937) S Mar 2010 - Jul 2010   (77) +0
Herzog, Hans-Michael (curator)       (24) +0
Steffen, Kartin (curator)       (17) +0
Dias, Antônio (1944 - 2018) S Oct 2009 - Feb 2010   (63) +0
Herzog, Hans-Michael (curator)       (24) +0
Steffen, Kartin (curator)       (17) +0
Alejo, Mauricio (*1969) G Apr 2009 - Sep 2009   (5) +0
Alóm, Juan Carlos (*1964) G   (15) +0
Barros, Lenora de (*1953) G   (5) +0
Conlon, Donna (*1966) G   (4) +0
Cuevas, Ximena (*1963) G   (9) +0
Echeverri, Clemencia (*1950) G   (3) +0
Fernández, Claudia (*1965) G   (8) +0
Galindo, Regina José (*1974) G   (25) +0
Jaar, Alfredo (*1956) G   (107) +0
Macchi, Jorge (*1963) G   (36) +0
Margolles, Teresa (*1963) G   (47) +0
Monge, Priscilla (*1968) G   (12) +0
Muñoz, Óscar (*1951) G   (37) +0
Porter, Liliana (*1941) G   (55) +0
Rojas, Miguel Ángel (*1946) G   (25) +0
Ríos, Miguel Ángel (*1943) G   (30) +0
Saavedra González, Lázaro (*1964) G   (8) +0
Sastre, Martín (*1976) G   (11) +0
Serrano, Teresa (*1936) G   (11) +0
Sierra, Santiago (*1966) G   (88) +0
Smith, Melanie (*1965) G   (30) +0
Téllez, Javier (*1969) G   (45) +0
Herzog, Hans-Michael (curator)       (24) +0
Steffen, Kartin (curator)       (17) +0
Walser, Käthe (curator)       (2) +0
Günther, Beate (*1957) G Oct 2008 - Mar 2009   (6) +0
Kuitca, Guillermo (*1961) G   (71) +0
Morris, Richard Allen (*1933) G   (12) +0
Herzog, Hans-Michael (curator)       (24) +0
Steffen, Kartin (curator)       (17) +0
Caldas, Waltércio (jr.) (*1946) S Mar 2008 - Sep 2009   (33) +0
Camnitzer, Luís (*1937) S   (77) +0
Cruz-Diez, Carlos (1923 - 2019) S   (102) +0
Dias, Antônio (1944 - 2018) S   (63) +0
Flavin, Dan (1933 - 1996) S   (343) +0
Kelly, Ellsworth (1923 - 2015) S   (349) +0
Kuitca, Guillermo (*1961) S   (71) +0
LeWitt, Sol (1928 - 2007) S   (491) +0
Muñiz, Vik (*1961) S   (125) +0
Newman, Barnett (1905 - 1970) S   (168) +0
Oiticica, Hélio (1937 - 1980) S   (56) +0
Ramos, Nelson (*1932) S   (8) +0
Ryman, Robert (1930 - 2019) S   (192) +0
Schendel, Mira (1919 - 1988) S   (37) +0
Serra, Richard (1938 - 2024) S   (404) +0
Soto, Jesús Raphaël (1923 - 2005) S   (218) +0
Twombly, Cy (1928 - 2011) S   (302) +0
Herzog, Hans-Michael (curator)       (24) +0
Steffen, Kartin (curator)       (17) +0
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