Gallery | Galerie B. Haasner

Saalgasse 38 (Eingang Nerostraße)
D - 65183 Wiesbaden, - Germany Google Map
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Galerie B. Haasner

Ernst Scheidegger

Opening: 06-09-2013 at 07:00 pm

From: 07-09-2013 to 05-10-2013

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Galerie B. Haasner

Corinna Rosteck

Opening: 06-09-2013 at 07:00 pm

From: 07-09-2013 to 05-10-2013

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Exhibition History 

Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 113 ( S 70/ G 43) Shown Artists - Top 5 of 68
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Vincent Weber (20) - 29
Robert Preyer (17) - 35
Fred Reichman (16) - 20
Uwe Städtler (15) - 16
Fletcher Benton (15) - 57
Artists in exhibitions 68
Curators in exhibitions 0
Linked to other venues through shown artists
840:   395 / 203 / 235 / 7
artist-info records Jul 1985 - May 2016
Curators - Top 0 of 0 (no. of shows ) Linked through shown artists - Top 5 of 841 venues
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (1/7)
Nassauischer Kunstverein - NKV
Kunstverein in Hamburg
Galerie Jaeger Bucher
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - SRGM
Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement Portfolio S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions  
(..) Exhibitions + Favorites
Permalink Exhibition Title

Accrochage zum Abschied von Wiesbaden

Atzeni, Sarah (*1985) G Mar 2016 - May 2016   (4) +0
Benton, Fletcher (1931 - 2019) G   (57) +0
Berger, Günther (1929 - 2014) G   (28) +0
Bernhardt, Helmut (*1939) G   (13) +0
Duttenhoefer, Thomas (*1950) G   (41) +0
Federico, Susan G   (7) +0
Fehrenbach, Gerson (1932 - 2004) G   (43) +0
Föhl, Helga (*1935) G   (27) +0
Groos, Dietrich G   (2) +0
Holy, Claire-Lise (1938 - 2009) G   (10) +0
Jenssen, Hans-Christian (*1940) G   (7) +0
Juretzek, Tina (*1952) G   (22) +0
Laabs, Hans (1915 - 2004) G   (38) +0
Navar, Gabriel G   (7) +0
Okudaira, Yukako G   (7) +0
Parker, Gertrud (*1930) G   (9) +0
Preis, Elena G   (4) +0
Preyer, Robert (1930 - 2011) G   (35) +0
Rainforth, Barbara (*1948) G   (10) +0
Ramos, Mel (1935 - 2018) G   (79) +0
Rauh, Fritz (1920 - 2014) G   (7) +0
Reichman, Fred (1925 - 2005) G   (20) +0
Roby, Michael (*1957) G   (4) +0
Rosteck, Corinna (*1968) G   (24) +0
Sallenbach, Katharina (1920 - 2013) G   (19) +0
Sarasin, Betha (*1930) G   (7) +0
Scheidegger, Ernst (1923 - 2016) G   (25) +0
Schnitzler, Christa von (1922 - 2003) G   (42) +0
Seltzer, Adele G   (6) +0
Slavícek, Jirí Vincent (*1955) G   (17) +0
Städtler, Uwe (1940 - 2012) G   (16) +0
Syed, Migu Michael (*1962) G   (16) +0
Vries, Auke de (*1937) G   (26) +0
Weber, Vincent (1902 - 1990) G   (29) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Vincent Weber

 - Malerei, Collage, Druckgraphik
Weber, Vincent (1902 - 1990) S Jan 2016 - Mar 2016   (29) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Migu Michael Syed

 - Stadt - LAnd - Fluss
Syed, Migu Michael (*1962) S Nov 2015 - Dec 2015   (16) +0
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30 Jahre Galerie Haasner

 - Neues aus den Ateliers
Atzeni, Sarah (*1985) G Sep 2015 - Oct 2015   (4) +0
Benton, Fletcher (1931 - 2019) G   (57) +0
Bernhardt, Helmut (*1939) G   (13) +0
Duttenhoefer, Thomas (*1950) G   (41) +0
Föhl, Helga (*1935) G   (27) +0
Juretzek, Tina (*1952) G   (22) +0
Navar, Gabriel G   (7) +0
Parker, Gertrud (*1930) G   (9) +0
Rainforth, Barbara (*1948) G   (10) +0
Ramos, Mel (1935 - 2018) G   (79) +0
Rosteck, Corinna (*1968) G   (24) +0
Slavícek, Jirí Vincent (*1955) G   (17) +0
Strecker, Gabriele (*1949) G   (3) +0
Syed, Migu Michael (*1962) G   (16) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Helga Föhl zum achtzigsten Geburtstag

 - Eisenplastiken - Zeichnungen - Collagen aus drei Jahrzehnten
Föhl, Helga (*1935) S May 2015 - Jul 2015   (27) +0
Berger, Günther (1929 - 2014) G Apr 2015 - May 2015   (28) +0
Blume, Anna (1912 - 2001) G   (13) +0
Fehrenbach, Gerson (1932 - 2004) G   (43) +0
Holy, Claire-Lise (1938 - 2009) G   (10) +0
Laabs, Hans (1915 - 2004) G   (38) +0
Morath, Inge (1923 - 2002) G   (24) +0
Moser, Wilfrid (1914 - 1997) G   (53) +0
Preyer, Robert (1930 - 2011) G   (35) +0
Rauh, Fritz (1920 - 2014) G   (7) +0
Reichman, Fred (1925 - 2005) G   (20) +0
Sallenbach, Katharina (1920 - 2013) G   (19) +0
Sarasin, Teff (1931 - 2006) G   (4) +0
Schnitzler, Christa von (1922 - 2003) G   (42) +0
Stark, Gustl (1917 - 2009) G   (9) +0
Städtler, Uwe (1940 - 2012) G   (16) +0
Weber, Vincent (1902 - 1990) G   (29) +0
Permalink Exhibition Title

Claudia Felicitas Zachmann

 - Malerei und Collage
Zachmann, Claudia Felicitas (*1953) S Mar 2015 - Apr 2015   (1) +0
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