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The American Scene
 - Prints from Hopper to Pollock 1905–1960

Albers, Josef (1888 - 1976) G Apr 2008 - Sep 2008   (406) +0
Allen, James Edmund (1894 - 1964) G   (3) +0
Avery, Milton (1885 - 1965) G   (131) +0
Bacon, Peggy (1895 - 1987) G   (52) +0
Baskin, Leonard (1922 - 2000) G   (55) +0
Becker, Fred G. [Frederick Gerhard] (1913 - 2004) G   (11) +0
Belfiore, Gerardo (1914 - 2002) G   (2) +0
Bellows, George Wesley (1882 - 1925) G   (109) +0
Benton, Thomas Hart (1889 - 1975) G   (93) +0
Bertoia, Harry (1915 - 1978) G   (35) +0
Bibel, Leon (1913 - 1995) G   (1) +0
Bloch, Julius Thiengen (1888 - 1966) G   (20) +0
Bothwell, Dorr (1902 - 2000) G   (6) +0
Bourgeois, Louise (1911 - 2010) G   (356) +0
Burkhardt, Hans (1904 - 1994) G   (19) +0
Calder, Alexander (1898 - 1976) G   (454) +0
Cohn, Max Arthur (1903 - 1998) G   (1) +0
Cook, Howard Norton (1901 - 1980) G   (27) +0
Curry, John Steuart (1897 - 1946) G   (48) +0
Davis, Stuart (1892 - 1964) G   (205) +0
Dehn, Adolf Arthur (1895 - 1968) G   (60) +0
Dehner, Dorothy (1901 - 1994) G   (29) +0
Drewes, Werner (1899 - 1999) G   (42) +0
Gellert, Hugo (1892 - 1985) G   (9) +0
Grambs, Blanche (*1916) G   (2) +0
Gross-Bettelheim, Jolán (1900 - 1972) G   (7) +0
Gwathmey, Robert (1903 - 1988) G   (42) +0
Gág, Wanda (1893 - 1946) G   (21) +0
Harari, Hananiah (1912 - 2000) G   (13) +0
Harris, George (1913 - 1991) G   (1) +0
Hayter, Stanley William (1901 - 1988) G   (94) +0
Helfond, Riva (1910 - 2002) G   (4) +0
Hopper, Edward (1882 - 1967) G   (186) +0
Kainen, Jacob (1909 - 2001) G   (8) +0
Keller, Charles (1914 - 1978) G   (4) +0
Kline, Franz (1910 - 1962) G   (168) +0
Kooning, Willem de (1904 - 1997) G   (339) +0
Kupferman, Lawrence Edward (1909 - 1982) G   (30) +0
Landeck, Armin (1905 - 1984) G   (20) +0
Landon, Edward (1911 - 1984) G   (3) +0
Lazzell, Blanche (1878 - 1956) G   (8) +0
Leboit, Joseph (1907 - 2002) G   (2) +0
Lee, Doris Emrick (1905 - 1983) G   (25) +0
Lewis, Martin (1881 - 1962) G   (23) +0
Lozowick, Louis (1892 - 1973) G   (50) +0
Marin, John (1870 - 1953) G   (210) +0
Marsh, Reginald (1898 - 1954) G   (115) +0
Matulka, Jan (1890 - 1972) G   (33) +0
McClellan, John Ward (1908 - 1986) G   (3) +0
McConnell, James Hoge Tyler (1914 - 1988) G   (1) +0
Mesibov, Hugh (1916 - 2016) G   (5) +0
Mitchell, Joan (1925 - 1992) G   (186) +0
Moore, Claire Mahl (1917 - 1988) G   (2) +0
Nelson, Leonard (1912 - 1993) G   (3) +0
Pollock, Jackson (1912 - 1956) G   (318) +0
Pytlak, Leonard (1910 - 1998) G   (3) +0
Riggs, Robert (1896 - 1970) G   (15) +0
Ryan, Anne (1889 - 1954) G   (33) +0
Schardt, Bernard (1904 - 1979) G   (1) +0
Shackelford, Shelby (1899 - 1987) G   (2) +0
Sheeler, Charles Rettew (1883 - 1965) G   (193) +0
Shokler, Harry (1896 - 1978) G   (2) +0
Sloan, John French (1871 - 1951) G   (120) +0
Smith, David (1906 - 1965) G   (216) +0
Spruance, Benton Murdoch (1904 - 1967) G   (17) +0
Taylor, Grace Martin (1903 - 1995) G   (1) +0
Trash, Dox (1893 - 1965) G   (2) +0
Vogel, Joseph (1911 - 1995) G   (4) +0
Weller, Paul (*1912) G   (3) +0
Woelffer, Emerson (1914 - 2003) G   (35) +0
Wood, Grant (1891 - 1941) G   (52) +0
Yunkers, Adja (1900 - 1983) G   (37) +0
Zorach, William (1889 - 1966) G   (135) +0
Coppel, Stephen (curator)       (1) +0
Kierkuc-Bielinski, Jerzy (curator)       (1) +0