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The Great Graphic Boom

Baldessari, John (*1931) G Jul 2017 - Nov 2017   (315) +1
Bontecou, Lee (1931 - 2022) G   (96) +0
Bourgeois, Louise (1911 - 2010) G   (356) +0
Francis, Sam (1923 - 1994) G   (330) +0
Frankenthaler, Helen (1928 - 2011) G   (176) +0
Indiana, Robert (1928 - 2018) G   (145) +0
Johns, Jasper (*1930) G   (434) +0
Judd, Donald (1928 - 1994) G   (396) +0
Kelly, Ellsworth (1923 - 2015) G   (349) +0
Kooning, Willem de (1904 - 1997) G   (339) +0
Lichtenstein, Roy (1923 - 1997) G   (485) +0
Martin, Agnes (1912 - 2004) G   (181) +0
Motherwell, Robert (1915 - 1991) G   (316) +0
Nauman, Bruce (*1941) G   (614) +0
Newman, Barnett (1905 - 1970) G   (168) +0
Pollock, Jackson (1912 - 1956) G   (318) +0
Rauschenberg, Robert (1925 - 2008) G   (671) +0
Ruscha, Edward (*1937) G   (399) +0
Serra, Richard (1938 - 2024) G   (404) +0
Stella, Frank (1936 - 2024) G   (442) +0
Twombly, Cy (1928 - 2011) G   (302) +0
Warhol, Andy (1928 - 1987) G   (946) +0