Gallery | Setareh Gallery

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Exhibition Title

Beyond Black
 - The Creative Power of Black in Works from Baselitz to Warhol

Arp, Jean [Hans] (1886 - 1966) G Mar 2014 - May 2014   (516) +0
Baselitz, Georg (*1938) G   (386) +0
Byars, James Lee (1932 - 1997) G   (145) +0
Fontana, Lucio (1899 - 1968) G   (477) +0
Habermann, Hugo II von (1899 - 1981) G   (11) +0
Hartung, Hans (1904 - 1989) G   (204) +0
Hueller, Volker (*1976) G   (11) +0
Knoebel, Imi [Klaus Wolf] (*1940) G   (268) +0
Lüpertz, Markus (*1941) G   (227) +0
Penck, A.R. [Ralf Winkler] (1939 - 2017) G   (302) +0
Picabia, Francis (1879 - 1953) G   (265) +0
Piene, Otto (1928 - 2014) G   (235) +0
Pimentão, Diogo (*1973) G   (7) +0
Rainer, Arnulf (*1929) G   (364) +0
Riemer, Sebastian (*1982) G   (7) +0
Royen, Peter (1923 - 2013) G   (24) +0
Schumacher, Emil (1912 - 1999) G   (236) +0
Scully, Sean (*1945) G   (155) +0
Serra, Richard (1938 - 2024) G   (404) +0
Simeti, Turi (*1929) G   (56) +0
Susin, Juli A. (*1966) G   (3) +0
Trier, Hann (1915 - 1999) G   (117) +0
Uecker, Günther (*1930) G   (406) +0
Umberg, Günter (*1942) G   (56) +0
Venet, Bernar (*1941) G   (102) +0
Warhol, Andy (1928 - 1987) G   (946) +0
Winter, Fritz (1905 - 1976) G   (174) +0
Zangs, Herbert (1924 - 2003) G   (48) +0