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Exhibition Title

Cosmologies and Hermetic Forays
 - [Dilexi Gallery Multi-Venue Retrospective]

Anderson, Jeremy R. (1921 - 1982) G Jun 2019 - Aug 2019   (18) +0
Berman, Wallace (1926 - 1976) G   (62) +0
DeForest, Roy (1930 - 2007) G   (35) +0
Hedrick, Wally [Wallce] (1928 - 2003) G   (12) +0
Jensen, Alfred Julius (1903 - 1981) G   (69) +0
Jess, [Jess Collins / Burgess Franklin Collins] (1923 - 2004) G   (42) +0
Schwitters, Kurt (1887 - 1948) G   (367) +0
Westermann, H.C. [Horace Clifford] (1922 - 1981) G   (74) +0
Williams, Franklin (*1940) G   (5) +0