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32. Esposizione Biennale Internazionale d'Arte

Chamberlain, John (1927 - 2011) S Jun 1964 - Oct 1964   (237) +0
Dine, Jim (*1935) S   (266) +0
Johns, Jasper (*1930) S   (434) +0
Louis, Morris [Morris Louis Bernstein] (1912 - 1962) S   (130) +0
Noland, Kenneth (1924 - 2010) S   (163) +0
Oldenburg, Claes (1929 - 2022) S   (342) +0
Rauschenberg, Robert (1925 - 2008) S   (671) +0
Stella, Frank (1936 - 2024) S   (442) +0
Solomon, Alan R. (1920 - 1970) (curator)       (3) +0