Curator | Leah Dickerman (*1964)

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Exhibition History 

Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 2 (S 1/ G 1) Shown Artists - Top 5 of 101
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Arnold Schönberg (1) - 28
Kurt Schwitters (1) - 367
Morton Livingston Schamberg (1) - 35
Helen Saunders (1) - 7
Walter Ruttmann (1) - 19
Artists in all exhibitions 101
Exhibitions by type
2:   0 / 2 / 0 / 0
Venues by type
1:   0 / 1 / 0 / 0
artist-info records Nov 2011 - Apr 2013
Countries - Top 1 of 1
United States (2)
Cities - Top 1 of 1
New York (2)
Venues (no. of shows ) Top 1 of 1
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (1/7) (2)
/* missing text links */ /* missing text links */
Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions   (..) Exhibitions + Favorites
Exhibition Title

Inventing Abstraction, 1910-1925

 - How a Radical Idea Changed Modern Art
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (1/7) G 2012 Dec - 2013 Apr New York (1057) + 94
Dickerman, Leah (Curator)         (2) +0
Chlenova, Masha (Curator)       (1) +0
Albers, Josef (1888 - 1976) G     (406) +0
Apollinaire, Guillaume [Wilhelm Apollinaire Albert von Kostrowitzky] (1880 - 1918) G     (15) +0
Arp, Jean [Hans] (1886 - 1966) G     (516) +0
Arp & Taeuber, [Jean Arp & Sophie Taeuber] G     (5) +0
Atkinson, Lawrence (1873 - 1931) G     (7) +0
Balla, Giacomo (1871 - 1958) G     (165) +0
Balla & Cangiullo, [Giacomo Balla & Francesco Cangiullo] G     (1) +0
Bell, Vanessa (1879 - 1961) G     (25) +0
Berlewi, Henryk (1894 - 1967) G     (39) +0
Boccioni, Umberto (1882 - 1916) G     (136) +0
Bomberg, David (1890 - 1957) G     (48) +0
Bortnyik, Sándor [Alexander] (1893 - 1976) G     (43) +0
Bragaglia, Antonio Giulio (1890 - 1960) G     (15) +0
Bruce, Patrick Henry (1881 - 1936) G     (38) +0
Brâncusi, Constantin (1876 - 1957) G     (198) +0
Cangiullo, Francesco (1884 - 1977) G     (17) +0
Carrà, Carlo (1881 - 1966) G     (145) +0
Cendrars, Blaise [Frédéric Sauser-Hall] (1887 - 1961) G     (5) +0
Coburn, Alvin Langdon (1882 - 1966) G     (49) +0
Covarrubias, Miguel [Rosa Rolanda] (1904 - 1957) G     (24) +0
Covert, John (1882 - 1960) G     (26) +0
Delaunay, Robert (1885 - 1941) G     (223) +0
Delaunay-Terk, Sonia (1885 - 1979) G     (192) +0
Depero, Fortunato (1892 - 1960) G     (61) +0
Doesburg & Eesteren, [Theo van Doesburg & Cornelis van Eesteren] G     (3) +0
Doesburg [Aldo Camini] [I.K. Bonset] [Christian Emil Marie Küpper], Theo van (1883 - 1931) G     (132) +0
Dove, Arthur Garfield (1880 - 1946) G     (150) +0
Duchamp, Marcel (1887 - 1968) G     (415) +0
Duchamp, Suzanne (1889 - 1963) G     (28) +0
Eesteren, Cornelis van (1897 - 1988) G     (8) +0
Eggeling, Helmuth Viking (1880 - 1925) G     (35) +0
Ender, Xenia Vladimirovna (1894 - 1955) G     (17) +0
Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri (1891 - 1915) G     (45) +0
Giacometti, Augusto (1877 - 1947) G     (57) +0
Goncharova, Natalia Sergeyevna (1881 - 1962) G     (135) +0
Grant, Duncan James Corrowr (1885 - 1978) G     (33) +0
Hartley, Marsden (1877 - 1943) G     (158) +0
Huszár, Vilmos (1884 - 1960) G     (38) +0
Hölzel, Adolf Richard (1853 - 1934) G     (97) +0
Itten, Johannes (1888 - 1967) G     (105) +0
Kandinsky, Wassily (1866 - 1944) G     (689) +1
Klee, Paul (1879 - 1940) G     (719) +0
Kliunkov [Kliun], Ivan Vasilievich (1873 - 1943) G     (82) +0
Klutsis, Gustav Gustavowitsch (1895 - 1938) G     (89) +0
Kobro, Katarzyna (1898 - 1951) G     (36) +0
Kruchenykh, Alexei Eliseevich (1886 - 1968) G     (10) +0
Kupka, František (1871 - 1957) G     (159) +0
Laban, Rudolf von (1879 - 1958) G     (4) +0
Larionov, Mikhail Fyodorovich (1881 - 1964) G     (106) +0
Leck, Bart Anthony van der (1876 - 1958) G     (38) +0
Lewis, Percy Wyndham (1882 - 1957) G     (31) +0
Lissitzky, El [Lazar Markovich] (1890 - 1941) G     (269) +0
Léger, Fernand (1881 - 1955) G     (484) +2
MacDonald-Wright, Stanton (1890 - 1973) G     (61) +0
Macke, August (1887 - 1914) G     (208) +0
Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1879 - 1935) G     (289) +0
Mallarmé, Stéphane (1842 - 1898) G     (7) +0
Man Ray, [Emmanuel Rudinski] (1890 - 1976) G     (496) +0
Marc, Franz (1880 - 1916) G     (285) +0
Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso (1876 - 1944) G     (38) +0
Matyushin, Michail Vasilyevich (1861 - 1934) G     (42) +0
Michelangelo Buonarroti, (1475 - 1564) G     (3) +0
Mondrian, Piet (1872 - 1944) G     (310) +0
Móhóly-Nagy, László (1895 - 1946) G     (409) +0
Nijinsky, Vaclav Fomič (1889 - 1950) G     (3) +0
O'Keeffe, Georgia (1887 - 1986) G     (221) +0
Oud, J. J. P. [Jacobus Johannes Pieter] (1890 - 1963) G     (16) +0
Pettoruti, Emilio (1892 - 1971) G     (26) +0
Picabia, Francis (1879 - 1953) G     (265) +0
Picasso, Pablo (1881 - 1973) G     (1263) +1
Popova, Lyubow Sergeyevna (1889 - 1924) G     (135) +0
Richter, Hans (1888 - 1976) G     (98) +0
Rodchenko, Aleksander Mikhailovich (1891 - 1956) G     (218) +0
Russell, Morgan (1886 - 1953) G     (44) +0
Russolo, Luigi (1885 - 1947) G     (58) +0
Ruttmann, Walter (1887 - 1941) G     (19) +0
Saunders, Helen (1885 - 1963) G     (7) +0
Schad, Christian (1894 - 1982) G     (112) +0
Schamberg, Morton Livingston (1881 - 1918) G     (35) +0
Schlemmer, Oskar (1888 - 1943) G     (231) +0
Schwitters, Kurt (1887 - 1948) G     (367) +0
Schönberg, Arnold (1874 - 1951) G     (28) +0
Severini, Gino (1883 - 1966) G     (203) +0
Soffici, Ardengo (1879 - 1964) G     (59) +0
Stella, Joseph (1877 - 1946) G     (115) +0
Stieglitz, Alfred (1864 - 1946) G     (142) +0
Strand, Paul (1890 - 1976) G     (105) +0
Strzemiński, Władysław Maximilianowitsch (1893 - 1952) G     (50) +0
Survage, [Léopold Leopoldowitsch Sturzwage] (1879 - 1968) G     (47) +0
Szpakowski, Wacław Karol (1883 - 1973) G     (7) +0
Sélavy & Man Ray & Allégret, [Rrose Sélavy (Marcel Duchamp) & Man Ray & Marcel Allégret] G     (2) +0
Taeuber-Arp, Sophie (1889 - 1943) G     (180) +0
Tatlin, Vladimir Yevgrafovich (1885 - 1953) G     (109) +0
Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775 - 1851) G     (50) +0
Tzara, Tristan [Samuel Rosenstock] (1896 - 1963) G     (30) +0
Vantongerloo, Georges (1886 - 1965) G     (94) +0
Weber, Max (1881 - 1961) G     (153) +0
Whistler, James A. McNeill (1834 - 1903) G     (114) +0
Wigman, Mary (1886 - 1973) G     (5) +0
Exhibition Title

Diego Rivera

 - Murals for The Museum of Modern Art
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (1/7) S 2011 Nov - 2012 May New York (1057) + 94
Dickerman, Leah (Curator)         (2) +0
Rivera, Diego Maria (1886 - 1957) S     (100) +0
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