Biennale di Venezia - United States of America
, Italy
Josef Albers (1888 - 1976); Ansei Uchima (1921 - 2000); Garo Zareh Antreasian (1922 - 2018); Richard Anuszkiewicz (1930 - 2020); Walter Darby Bannard (1934 - 2016); Leonard Baskin (1922 - 2000); Herbert Bayer (1900 - 1985); A. Robert Birmelin (1933); R.B. [Ronald Brooks] Kitaj (1932 - 2007); Jack Damer (1938); Arthur Deshaies (1920 - 2011); Jim Dine (1935); John E. Dowell (1941); Sam Francis (1923 - 1994); Gabor F. Peterdi (1915 - 2001); Robert Arthur Goodnough (1917 - 2010); Jasper Johns (1930); Misch Kohn (1916 - 2002); Nicholas Krushenick (1929 - 1999); Mauricio Lasansky (1914 - 2012); Alexander Liberman (1912 - 1999); Roy Lichtenstein (1923 - 1997); Vincent John Longo (1923 - 2017); Sven Lukin (1934); William Majors (1930 - 1982); Conrad Marca-Relli (1913 - 2000); Boris Margo (1902 - 1995); Michael Burton Mazur (1935 - 2009); Dean Jackson Meeker (1920 - 2002); Robert Morris (1931 - 2018); Robert Motherwell (1915 - 1991); Claes Oldenburg (1929 - 2022); Michael Ponce de Léon (1922 - 2006); Robert Rauschenberg (1925 - 2008); Edward Ruscha (1937); Lucas Samaras (1936 - 2024); Herman Shark (1946); Frank Stella (1936 - 2024); Carol Summers (1925); Ernest Tino Trova (1927 - 2009); Romas Viesulas (1918 - 1986); Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987); William Weege (1935); Arne Wolf (1929); Jack Youngerman (1926 - 2020); Adja Yunkers (1900 - 1983);
1969 Annual Exhibition - 'Contemporary American Painting'
Whitney Museum of American Art
, United States
New York,
United States
Thomas Frank Akawie (1935); William Allan (1936); Neil R. Anderson (1933); Richard Anuszkiewicz (1930 - 2020); Edward Avedisian (1936 - 2007); Jo Baer (1929); Malcolm Bailey (1947); John Baldessari (1931); Walter Darby Bannard (1934 - 2016); Jack Beal (1931 - 2013); Romare [Fred Romare Harry] Bearden (1911 - 1988); Robert Beauchamp (1923 - 1995); Lynda Benglis (1941); Billy Al Bengston (1934); Jake Berthot (1939 - 2014); Natvar Prahladji Bhavsar (1934); Isabel Bishop (1902 - 1988); Gary Bower (1940); Lynn Bowers (1932); Frank Bowling (1936); Marvin Brown (1943); David Budd (1926 - 1991); Walter Cade (1935); Lawrence Calcagno (1913 - 1993); Dan Christensen (1942 - 2007); John Clem Clarke (1937); Chuck Close (1940 - 2021); Ron Cooper (1943); Alan Cote (1937); Nassos Daphnis (1914 - 2010); Allan d' Arcangelo (1930 - 1988); Gene Davis (1920 - 1985); Ron [Ronald] Davis (1937); Peter Dechar (1942); Roy DeForest (1930 - 2007); Willem de Kooning (1904 - 1997); David Diao (1943); Richard Diebenkorn (1922 - 1993); Robert [Bob] Duran (1938 - 2005); Jimmy Ernst (1920 - 1984); Manny Farber (1917 - 2008); Llyn Foulkes (1934); Sam Francis (1923 - 1994); Helen Frankenthaler (1928 - 2011); Paul Georges (1923 - 2002); Sam Gilliam (1933 - 2022); Joe Goode (1937); Sidney Goodman (1936 - 2013); Adolph Gottlieb (1903 - 1974); José Guerrero (1914 - 1991); Allan Hacklin (1943); Carol Haerer (1933 - 2002); Michael Heizer (1944); Al Held (1928 - 2005); Charles Hinman (1932); Thomas [Tom] Holland (1936); Gary Hudson (1936); Ralph Humphrey (1932); Robert Huot (1935); Neil Jenney (1945); Jasper Johns (1930); Donald Kaufman (1935); Ellsworth Kelly (1923 - 2015); Joseph Kosuth (1945); Nicholas Krushenick (1929 - 1999); Ronnie Landfield (1947); Jacob Lawrence (1917 - 2000); Roy Lichtenstein (1923 - 1997); Sven Lukin (1934); Alan D. Lynch (1926); John Mandel (1941); Robert Mangold (1937); Conrad Marca-Relli (1913 - 2000); Brice Marden (1938 - 2023); Fred Martin (1927); Richard Mayhew (1924); Dennis McCarthy (1935); James McGarrell (1930 - 2020); Richard Merkin (1938 - 2009); Ralph Moseley (1941); Robert Moskowitz (1935 - 2024); Robert Motherwell (1915 - 1991); Robert Natkin (1930 - 2010); Barnett Newman (1905 - 1970); Kenneth Noland (1924 - 2010); David Novros (1941); Douglas Ohlson (1936 - 2010); Kenzō Okada (1902 - 1982); Jules Olitski (1922 - 2007); Arthur L. Orr (1938); Raymond Parker (1922 - 1990); David Paul (1943); Philip Pearlstein (1924 - 2022); William Pettet (1942); Larry Poons (1937); Katherine Porter (1941 - 2024); Richard Pousette-Dart (1916 - 1992); David Prentice (1943); Harvey Quaytman (1937); Leo Rabkin (1919 - 2015); Robert Rauschenberg (1925 - 2008); Murray Reich (1932 - 2012); Garry Rich (1943); James Rosenquist (1933 - 2017); Richard Roth (1946); Edwin Ruda (1922 - 2014); Edward Ruscha (1937); Paul Sarkisian (1928); Roy Schnackenberg (1934); Jon Schueler (1916 - 1992); William Schwedler (1942); Alan Shields (1944 - 2005); Kenneth Showell (1939); Alan Siegel (1938); Theodore Singer (1943); Raphaël Soyer (1899 - 1987); Lawrence Stafford (1938); Robert [Bob] Stanley (1932 - 1997); Thomas Steigerwald (1945); Lewis Stein (1945); Frank Stella (1936 - 2024); Gary Stephan (1942); James Sullivan (1939); Sam Tchakalian (1929 - 2004); Wayne Thiebaud (1920 - 2021); George Tooker (1920 - 2011); John Torreano (1941); Cy Twombly (1928 - 2011); Robert Wade (1943); Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987); John Wesley (1928 - 2022); Tom Wesselmann (1931 - 2004); Jack Whitten (1939 - 2018); William Thomas Wiley (1937); William T. Williams (1942); Philip Wofford (1935); Peter Young (1940); Jack Youngerman (1926 - 2020); Mario Yrisarry (1933); Robert S. Zakanitch (1935); Duane Zaloudek (1931); Kes Zapkus (1938); Larry [Lawrence] Zox (1936);
1967 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting
1967 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting
Whitney Museum of American Art
, United States
New York,
United States
Josef Albers (1888 - 1976); John Altoon (1925 - 1969); Lennart Anderson (1928 - 2015); Richard Anuszkiewicz (1930 - 2020); Edward Avedisian (1936 - 2007); Jo Baer (1929); Thomas Bang (1938); Walter Darby Bannard (1934 - 2016); Ros Barron (1933); Jack Beal (1931 - 2013); Robert Beauchamp (1923 - 1995); Robert A. Bechtle (1932); Billy Al Bengston (1934); James Bishop (1927); Ilya Bolotowsky (1907 - 1981); James Bolton (1938); James W. Boynton (1928 - 2010); James D. Brooks (1906 - 1992); Lawrence Calcagno (1913 - 1993); Francis Celentano (1928); Dan Christensen (1942 - 2007); John Clem Clarke (1937); Calvert Coggeshall (1907 - 1990); Ron Cooper (1943); Ralston Crawford (1906 - 1975); Nassos Daphnis (1914 - 2010); Allan d' Arcangelo (1930 - 1988); Gene Davis (1920 - 1985); Ron [Ronald] Davis (1937); Peter Dechar (1942); Willem de Kooning (1904 - 1997); Richard Diebenkorn (1922 - 1993); Dominick Di Meo (1927); Jim Dine (1935); Thomas Downing (1928 - 1985); Philip [Howard Blashki] Evergood (1901 - 1973); Lorser Feitelson (1898 - 1978); John Ferren (1905 - 1970); Llyn Foulkes (1934); Helen Frankenthaler (1928 - 2011); Paul Georges (1923 - 2002); James Francis Gill (1934); Gregory Joseph Gillespie (1936 - 2000); Michael Goldberg (1924 - 2007); Joe Goode (1937); Sidney Goodman (1936 - 2013); Robert Arthur Goodnough (1917 - 2010); Robert Gordy (1933); Adolph Gottlieb (1903 - 1974); Peter Gourfain (1934); Stephen Greene (1917 - 1999); Robert Gwathmey (1903 - 1988); Howard Hack (1932); Al Held (1928 - 2005); John Edward Heliker (1909 - 2000); Charles Hinman (1932); Budd Hopkins (1931 - 2011); Valerie Hollister (1939); Jim Huntington (1941); Robert Huot (1935); Robert Indiana (1928 - 2018); Will Insley (1929 - 2011); Norman Ives (1923 - 1978); Alfred Julius Jensen (1903 - 1981); Jasper Johns (1930); Lester F. Johnson (1919 - 2010); Howard Kanovitz (1929 - 2009); Alex Katz (1927); Donald Kaufman (1935); Ellsworth Kelly (1923 - 2015); Leslie Kerr (1934); R.B. [Ronald Brooks] Kitaj (1932 - 2007); Otto Karl Knaths (1891 - 1971); William [Bill] Komodore (1932 - 2012); Nicholas Krushenick (1929 - 1999); Ronnie Landfield (1947); Alfred Leslie (1927 - 2023); Jack Levine (1915 - 2010); Alexander Liberman (1912 - 1999); Roy Lichtenstein (1923 - 1997); Richard Lindner (1901 - 1978); Elliott Lloyd (1937); Sven Lukin (1934); Helen Lundeberg (1908 - 1999); Loren MacIver (1909 - 1998); James McGarrell (1930 - 2020); Robert Mangold (1937); Conrad Marca-Relli (1913 - 2000); Agnes Martin (1912 - 2004); Knox Martin (1923); Howard Mehring (1931 - 1978); Richard Merkin (1938 - 2009); Joan Mitchell (1925 - 1992); Tadash Miyashita (1922 - 1979); Robert Motherwell (1915 - 1991); Walter Tandy Murch (1907 - 1967); Robert Natkin (1930 - 2010); Lowell B. Nesbitt (1933 - 1993); Barnett Newman (1905 - 1970); Gladys Nilsson (1940); Kenneth Noland (1924 - 2010); David Novros (1941); Kenzō Okada (1902 - 1982); Georgia O'Keeffe (1887 - 1986); Jules Olitski (1922 - 2007); Nathan Oliveira (1928 - 2010); George Earl Ortman (1926 - 2015); Raymond Parker (1922 - 1990); Philip Pearlstein (1924 - 2022); Henry C. Pearson (1914 - 2006); Irene Rice Pereira (1902 - 1971); Gabor F. Peterdi (1915 - 2001); William Pettet (1942); Frank J. Piatek (1944); Larry Poons (1937); Fairfield Porter (1907 - 1975); Richard Pousette-Dart (1916 - 1992); Deborah Remington (1930 - 2010); Larry Rivers (1923 - 2002); James Rosenquist (1933 - 2017); Irving Rosenzweig (1915); Edward Ruscha (1937); Katherine Schmidt (1898 - 1978); Roy Schnackenberg (1934); Ben Shahn (1898 - 1969); Kenneth Showell (1939); Oli Sihvonen (1921 - 1991); Richard Smith (1931 - 2016); Jack Sonenberg (1925); Raphaël Soyer (1899 - 1987); Albert Stadler (1923 - 2000); Theodoros Stamos (1922 - 1997); Julian Stańczak (1928 - 2017); Robert [Bob] Stanley (1932 - 1997); Frank Stella (1936 - 2024); Hedda Sterne (1910 - 2011); Norman Stiegelmeyer (1937 - 1984); James Sullivan (1939); Peter Tangen (1926); Wayne Thiebaud (1920 - 2021); John Havens Thornton (1933); Mark Tobey (1890 - 1976); George Tooker (1920 - 2011); Cy Twombly (1928 - 2011); Jack Tworkov (1900 - 1982); Esteban Vicente (1903 - 2001); John van Wicht (1888 - 1970); Paul Waldman (1936); Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987); John Wesley (1928 - 2022); Tom Wesselmann (1931 - 2004); Joseph P. White (1938); William Thomas Wiley (1937); Franklin Williams (1940); Neil Williams (1934 - 1988); Jane Wilson (1924 - 2015); Karl Wirsum (1939); Paul Wonner (1920 - 2008); Andrew Newell Wyeth (1917 - 2009); Alfred Young (1936); Jack Youngerman (1926 - 2020); Adja Yunkers (1900 - 1983); Robert S. Zakanitch (1935); Larry [Lawrence] Zox (1936);
Josef Albers (1888 - 1976); Allan d' Arcangelo (1930 - 1988); Jean Baier (1932 - 1999); Max Bill (1908 - 1994); Bob (Nieuwenhuis) Bonies (1937); Derek Boshier (1937); Mark Brusse (1937); Robyn Denny (1930 - 2014); Paul Feeley (1910 - 1966); Winfred Gaul (1928 - 2003); Rupprecht Geiger (1908 - 2009); Pierre Haubensak (1935); Al Held (1928 - 2005); Auguste Herbin (1882 - 1960); Robert Indiana (1928 - 2018); Tess Jaray (1937); Donald Judd (1928 - 1994); Ellsworth Kelly (1923 - 2015); Phillip King (1934 - 2021); Hans Koetsier (1930 - 1991); Nicholas Krushenick (1929 - 1999); Tadaaki KUWAYAMA (1932 - 2023); Gerald Laing (1936); Alexander Liberman (1912 - 1999); Richard Paul Lohse (1902 - 1988); Morris [Morris Louis Bernstein] Louis (1912 - 1962); Sven Lukin (1934); Luigi Lurati (1936); Willi Müller-Brittnau (1938 - 2003); Barnett Newman (1905 - 1970); Kenneth Noland (1924 - 2010); Georg Karl Pfahler (1926 - 2002); John Plumb (1927 - 2008); Lothar Quinte (1923 - 2000); Leon Polk Smith (1906 - 1996); Richard Smith (1931 - 2016); Frank Stella (1936 - 2024); Peter Struycken (1939); William Turnbull (1922 - 2012); Michael Tyzack (1933 - 2007); Victor [Győző Vásárhelyi] Vasarely (1908 - 1997); Marc Vaux (1932); Roland Werro (1926); Neil Williams (1934 - 1988); Utz Kampmann (1935 - 2006); Thomas Lenk (1933 - 2014);
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