Artist | Robert Zünd (1827 - 1909)

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Exhibition History 

Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 14 (S 2/ G 12) Did show together with - Top 5 of 333 artists
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Ferdinand Hodler (8)- 163
Félix Vallotton [Félix Édouard Vallotton, F. Valloton] (7)- 181
Albert Anker (6)- 21
Johann Rudolf Koller [Rudolf Koller] (5)- 16
Frank Buchser (5)- 12
Exhibitions by type
14:   0 / 12 / 2 / 0
Venues by type
7:   0 / 5 / 2 / 0
Curators 11
artist-info records May 1936 - Nov 2024
Countries - Top 2 of 2
Switzerland (13)
Germany (1)
Cities - Top 5 of 7
Luzern (7)
Bern (2)
Winterthur (1)
Burgdorf (1)
Zürich (1)
Venues (no. of shows ) Top 5 of 7
Kunstmuseum Luzern (7)
Kunstmuseum Bern (2)
Museum Oskar Reinhart (1)
Kunsthaus Zürich (1)
Museum Franz Gertsch (1)
Curators (no. of shows) Top 5 of 11
Alexandra Blättler(1), Marta Dziewańska(1), Sandra Gianfreda(1), Cathérine Hug(1), Etienne Wismer(1)
Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions   (..) Exhibitions + Favorites
Exhibition Title

Woher kommst du?

 - Wie Kunst in die Sammlung gelangt
Kunstmuseum Luzern G Feb 2024 - Nov 2024 Luzern (515) +1
Blättler, Alexandra (Curator)       +0
Exhibition Title

Earth Beats

Kunsthaus Zürich G Oct 2021 - Feb 2022 Zürich (664) +1
Hug, Cathérine (Curator)       +0
Gianfreda, Sandra (Curator)       +0
Exhibition Title

Alles zerfällt

 - Schweizer Kunst von Böcklin bis Vallotton
Kunstmuseum Bern G Dec 2019 - Sep 2020 Bern (107) +1
Dziewańska, Marta (Curator)       +0
Wismer, Etienne (Curator)       +0
Exhibition Title

Hodler Anker Giacometti

 - Meisterwerke der Sammlung Christoph Blocher
Museum Oskar Reinhart G Oct 2015 - Jan 2016 Winterthur (7) +0
Exhibition Title

Schweizer Meister

 - Die Sammlungsausstellung zum 75 Jahr-Jubiläum der Bernhard Eglin Stiftung
Kunstmuseum Luzern G May 2008 - Oct 2008 Luzern (515) +1
Exhibition Title

Robert Zünd (1826-1909)

 - Eine Ausstellung des Kunstmuseums Luzern mit einer Klanginstallation von Pius Morger
Kunstmuseum Luzern G Jun 2004 - Sep 2004 Luzern (515) +1
Fischer, Peter (Curator)       +0
Dietschi, Cornelia (Curator)       +0
Neubauer, Susanne (Curator)       +0
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