Gallery | Vancouver Art Gallery

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Artist Curator Exhibition Place

Exhibition History 

Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 71 ( S 63/ G 8) Shown Artists - Top 5 of 108
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Emily Carr (8) - 20
Liz Magor (2) - 16
Edward John Hughes (2) - 3
Robert Rauschenberg (2) - 671
Georgia O'Keeffe [Georgia O'Keefe] (2) - 221
Artists in exhibitions 108
Curators in exhibitions 2
Linked to other venues through shown artists
2028:   970 / 489 / 539 / 30
artist-info records Jan 1967 - Apr 2015
Curators - Top 2 of 2 (no. of shows ) Grant Arnold (1)
Diana Freundl (1)
Linked through shown artists - Top 5 of 2028 venues
Museum of Modern Art - MoMA (1/7)
Leo Castelli - W.Broadway (past address)
Leo Castelli - 4E 77th (past address)
Whitney Museum of American Art
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum - SRGM
Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement Portfolio S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions  
(..) Exhibitions + Favorites
Youds, Robert S Oct 2014 - Apr 2015   (6) +0
Freundl, Diana (curator)       (1) +0
Carr, Emily (1871 - 1945) G Sep 2014 - Apr 2015   (20) +0
MacKenzie, Landon G   (4) +0
Arnold, Grant (1904 - 1988) (curator)       (2) +0
Coupland, Douglas G Jul 2010 - Jan 2011   (2) +0
Lee, Evan G   (4) +0
Magor, Liz (*1948) G   (16) +0
Nicolson, Marianne G   (3) +0
Tan, Fiona (*1966) S May 2010 - Sep 2010   (72) +0
Marshall, Kerry James (*1955) S May 2010 - Jan 2011   (44) +0
Lum, Ken (*1956) S Jan 2010 - Sep 2010   (76) +0
Kydd, Owen (*1975) S Oct 2009 - Jan 2010   (4) +0
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