Curator | Maria Tsantsanoglou

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Exhibition History 

Exhibition History

SUMMARY based on artist-info records. More details and Visualizing Art Networks on demand.
Venue types: Gallery / Museum / Non-Profit / Collector
Exhibitions in artist-info 3 (S 1/ G 2) Shown Artists - Top 5 of 67
(no. of shows) - all shows - Top 100
Lyubov Sergeyevna Popova [Popowa, Lyubov Sergeyevna Popova] (2) - 135
Ivan Vasilievich Kliun [Kljun, Kljiun, Klyun, Kyun, Klioune, Klyoun, Klun, Kljunkow, Klyunkov] (2) - 82
Vladimir Yevgrafovich Tatlin [Tatline] (2) - 109
Ivan Albertovich Puni [Jean Pougny] [Pungi] (2) - 108
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich [Malewitsch, Malevitch, Malevič, Malewicz, Malevitj, Malyevich] (2) - 289
Artists in all exhibitions 67
Exhibitions by type
3:   0 / 2 / 1 / 0
Venues by type
2:   0 / 1 / 1 / 0
artist-info records Oct 2011 - Oct 2015
Countries - Top 2 of 2
Greece (2)
United Kingdom (1)
Cities 2 of 2
Thessaloniki (2)
London (1)
Venues (no. of shows ) Top 2 of 2
State Museum of Contemporary Art - SMCA (2)
Royal Academy of Arts (1)
Offers/Requests Exhibition Announcement S / G Solo/Group Exhibitions   (..) Exhibitions + Favorites
State Museum of Contemporary Art - SMCA S 2015 May - 2015 Jun Thessaloniki (7) + 94
Tsantsanoglou, Maria (Curator)         (3) +0
Bolis, Yiannis (Curator)       (1) +0
Alexeev, Nikita (*1953) S     (2) +0
PermalinkExhibition TitleExhibition Title

Kazimir Malevich and his students. 100 years after the Black Square

 - Russian avant garde works from the Costakis Collection of the SMCA
State Museum of Contemporary Art - SMCA G 2015 May - 2015 Oct Thessaloniki (7) + 94
Tsantsanoglou, Maria (Curator)         (3) +0
Charistou, Angeliki (Curator)       (1) +0
Altman, Nathan Isayevich (1889 - 1970) G     (53) +0
Boguslawskaja, Ksenia Leonidowna (1892 - 1972) G     (11) +0
Kamensky, Vasilli Vasilievich (1884 - 1961) G     (18) +0
Kirillova, Anna Michailovna (1886 - 1967) G     (3) +0
Kliunkov [Kliun], Ivan Vasilievich (1873 - 1943) G     (82) +0
Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1879 - 1935) G     (289) +0
Menkow, Michail Iwanowitsch (1885 - 1926) G     (11) +0
Pestel, Wera Efimovna (1886 - 1952) G     (16) +0
Popova, Lyubow Sergeyevna (1889 - 1924) G     (135) +0
Puni, Ivan Albertovich [Jean Pougny] (1892 - 1956) G     (108) +0
Rozanova, Olga Vladimirovna (1886 - 1918) G     (79) +0
Tatlin, Vladimir Yevgrafovich (1885 - 1953) G     (109) +0
Udaltsova, Nadezhda Andreyevna (1886 - 1961) G     (65) +0
Vasilieva, Maria Ivanovna (1884 - 1957) G     (4) +0
PermalinkExhibition TitleExhibition Title

Building the Revolution

 - Soviet Art and Architecture 1915–1935
Royal Academy of Arts G 2011 Oct - 2012 Jan London (49) + 94
Tsantsanoglou, Maria (Curator)         (3) +0
Pare, Richard (Curator)       (1) +0
Stevens, MaryAnne (*1947) (Curator)       (4) +0
Aljoschin, Pawel (1881 - 1961) G     (4) +0
Babitschew, Alexej Wassiljewitsch (1887 - 1963) G     (8) +0
Barchin, Grigori Borissowitsch (1880-1969) & Michail Grigorjewitsch (1906-1988) G     (4) +0
Barutchev, Armen Konstantinovich (1904 - 1976) G     (4) +0
Bubnova, Varvara Dmitrievna (1886 - 1983) G     (8) +0
Felger, Mark Dawidowitsch (1881 - 1962) G     (4) +0
Fomin, Igor Iwanowitsch (1904 - 1989) G     (5) +0
Gegelo, Alexander Iwanowitsch (1891 - 1965) G     (5) +0
Ginsburg, Moisej Jakowlewitsch (1892 - 1946) G     (14) +0
Golossow, Ilja Alexandrowitsch (1883 - 1945) G     (12) +0
Iofan, Boris Michailowitsch (1891 - 1976) G     (6) +0
Joganson, Karlis (1890 - 1929) G     (16) +0
Kliunkov [Kliun], Ivan Vasilievich (1873 - 1943) G     (82) +0
Klutsis, Gustav Gustavowitsch (1895 - 1938) G     (89) +0
Kolli, Nikolaj Jakowlewitsch [Dschemsowitsch] (1894 - 1966) G     (11) +0
Koroljow, Boris Danilowitsch (1885 - 1963) G     (19) +0
Koudriachov, Ivan Alekseevich (1896 - 1972) G     (32) +0
Kravets, Samuil Mironowitsch (1891 - 1966) G     (4) +0
Ladovsky, Nikolaj Alexandrowitsch (1881 - 1941) G     (14) +0
Le Corbusier, [Charles-Édouard Jeanneret-Gris] (1887 - 1965) G     (166) +0
Leonidow, Iwan Iljitsch (1902 - 1959) G     (17) +0
Lewinson, Jewgeni Adolfowitsch (1894 - 1968) G     (4) +0
Lissitzky, El [Lazar Markovich] (1890 - 1941) G     (269) +0
Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1879 - 1935) G     (289) +0
Medunetsky [Mechmetzki], Konstantin Konstantinovic (1899 - 1935) G     (27) +1
Meerson, Josif Aisilowitsch G     (4) +0
Melnikow, Konstantin Stepanowitsch (1890 - 1974) G     (12) +0
Mendelsohn, Erich (1887 - 1953) G     (34) +0
Merzhanov, Miron Ivanovich (1895 - 1975) G     (4) +0
Nikolajew, Iwan (1901 - 1979) G     (4) +0
Nikolskij, Alexander Sergewitsch (1884 - 1953) G     (8) +0
Nikritin, Solomon Borissowitsch (1898 - 1965) G     (19) +0
Orlow, Georgi Michailowitsch (1901 - 1985) G     (4) +0
Osmak, Wasili (1870 - 1942) G     (4) +0
Pasternak, Alexander Leonidowitsch (1893 - 1982) G     (4) +0
Pen, Semjon Samoilowitsch (1898 - 1970) G     (4) +0
Popova, Lyubow Sergeyevna (1889 - 1924) G     (135) +0
Popow, Jewgeni Michailowitsch (1901 - 1965) G     (4) +0
Puni, Ivan Albertovich [Jean Pougny] (1892 - 1956) G     (108) +0
Rejscher, Moisej Wenjaminowitsch (1902 - 1980) G     (4) +0
Rodchenko, Aleksander Mikhailovich (1891 - 1956) G     (218) +0
Rubantschik, Jakow Osipowitsch (1899 - 1948) G     (4) +0
Schechonin, Nikolai (1882 - 1933) G     (4) +0
Scholtowski, Iwan Wladislawowitsch (1867 - 1959) G     (4) +0
Schtschusew, Alexej Wiktorowitsch (1873 - 1949) G     (4) +0
Schuchow, Wladimir Georgjewitsch (1853 - 1939) G     (9) +0
Seranmow, Sergej Sawwitsch (1878 - 1939) G     (4) +0
Simonow, Grigori Alexandrowitsch (1893 - 1974) G     (4) +0
Sokolow, Wenjamin Dmitrijewitsch (1889 - 1955) G     (4) +0
Stenberg, Georgij Awgustowitsch (1900-1933) & Wladimir Awgustowitsch (1899-1982) G     (36) +0
Stepanova, Varvara Fjodorowna (1894 - 1958) G     (65) +0
Tarabukin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1899 - 1956) G     (7) +0
Tatlin, Vladimir Yevgrafovich (1885 - 1953) G     (109) +0
Tumbasow, Arseni Michailowitsch (1901 - 1974) G     (4) +0
Vesnin, Alexandr Alexandrovich (1883 - 1959) G     (32) +0
Vesnin, Leonid Alexandrowitsch (1880 - 1933) G     (7) +0
Vialov, Konstantin Alexandrovich (1900 - 1976) G     (20) +0