Charlie Ahearn (1951); John Ahearn (1951); Chantal Akerman (1950 - 2015); Sam Anderson (1982); Richard Artschwager (1923 - 2013); Robert Ashley (1930 - 2014); Charles Atlas (1949); Lutz Bacher (1943 - 2019); Fia Backström (1970); Alvin Baltrop (1948 - 2004); Rina Banerjee (1963); Morgan Bassichis (1983); Kevin Beasley (1985); Gina Beavers (1974); Gelsey Bell (1982); Michael Bell-Smith (1978); Sadie Benning (1973); Huma Bhabha (1962); Dara Birnbaum (1946); [Mel Bochner *1940 & Robert Moskowitz *1935] Bochner & Moskowitz; Lizzie Borden (1950); Robert Bordo (1949); Gregg Bordowitz (1964); Liene Bosquê (1980); Amy Brener (1982); Ben Thorp Brown (1983); Rudy Burckhardt (1914 - 1999); Harry Burke (1990); Scott Burton (1939 - 1989); Abigail Child (1948); Susan Cianciolo (1969); Shirley Clarke (1919 - 1997); Todd Colby (1962); Roy Colmer (1935 - 2014); Sara Cwynar (1985); Mira Dancy (1979); Jaime Davidovich (1936 - 2016); Jimmy De Sana (1949 - 1990); Vivienne Dick (1950); Andrew Durbin (1989); Diego Echeverría (1946); Terry Fox (1943 - 2008); Su Friedrich (1954); Eckhaus Latta (2011); Mary Beth Edelson (1933 - 2021); Gregory Edwards (1981); Joy Episalla (1960); Loretta Fahrenholz (1981); Ben Fama (1982); fierce pussy (1991 - 1995); John Finneran (1979); Henry Flynt (1940); Jeffrey Gibson (1972); John Giorno (1936 - 2019); Ignacio González-Lang (1975); William Greaves (1926 - 2014); Jonah Groeneboer (1978); Red Grooms (1937); David Grubbs (1967); David Hammons (1943); Fanny Howe (1940); Katherine Hubbard (1981); Peter B. Hutton (1944 - 2016); Elizabeth Jaeger (1988); Kenneth Jacobs (1933); Paolo Javier (1974); Joan Jonas (1936); Jamian Juliano-Villani (1987); Angela Keefer (1977); Devin Kenny (1987); Eli Keszler (1983); Christine Sun Kim (1980); KIOSK (2005); Manfred Kirchheimer (1931); Ajay Kurian (1984); Robert Kushner (1949); M. Lamar (1984); Louise Lawler (1947); Deana Lawson (1979); Sophia Le Fraga (1990); Barry Le Va (1941 - 2021); Okkyung Lee (1975); Simone Leigh (1968); [Zoé Léonard *1961 & Nancy Brooks Brody *1962] Léonard & Brody; Glenn Ligon (1960); Tan Lin (1957); Eric Mack (1987); Tony Matelli (1971); Gordon Matta-Clark (1943 - 1978); Lionel Maunz (1976); Park McArthur (1984); Adam McEwen (1965); Marie Menken (1909 - 1970); Wardell Milan (1977); Ieva Misevičiūtė (1982); [Rashaun Mitchell *1978 & Silas Riener *1983] Mitchell & Riener; Yoshiaki Mochizuki (1961); Donald Moffett (1955); James Nares (1953); Naturally Occurring Cultural Districts - New York (2011); Raul DeNieves (1983); [Véréna Paravel `1971 & J.P. Sniadecki *1979] Paravel & Sniadecki; Morgan Parker (1987); Rebecca Patek (1983); Sondra Perry (1986); Pharmakon (1990); Howardena Pindell (1943); Seth Price (1973); Yvonne Rainer (1934); Will Rawls (1978); Nick Relph (1979); Joyce Robins (1944); Ugo Rondinone (1964); Cameron Rowland (1988); Jen Rosenblit (1983); Bunny Rogers (1990); Peter Saul (1934); Collier Schorr (1963); Nancy Shaver (1946); Judith Shea (1948); Gedi Sibony (1973); Hayley Silverman (1986); Lorna Simpson (1960); Rosalind Fox Solomon (1930); Jack Smith (1932 - 1989); Kiki Smith (1954); Greg Parma Smith (1983); Slow and Steady Wins the Race (2001); Nelson Sullivan (1948 - 1989); Sergei Tcherepnin (1981); Third World Newsreel (1967); Stewart Uoo (1985); Stefanie Victor (1982); William Villalongo (1975); Keith Fullerton Whitman (1973); Sue Williams (1954); Lebbeus Woods (1940 - 2012); Nathan Donavon Wooley (1974); Geo Wyeth (1984); Carrie Yamaoka (1957); C. Spencer Yeh (1975); Mia Locks; Charles Simonds (1945);
Julieta Aranda (1975); Fia Backström (1970); Darren Bader (1978); Sebastian Black (1985); Marcel Broodthaers (1924 - 1976); Luis Buñuel (1900 - 1983); Guy de Cointet (1934 - 1983); Anne Collier (1970); John Dogg; Mark Flood (1957); [Fulvia Carnevale, James Thornhill] Claire Fontaine (2004); Phillip Gariel; Ryan Gander (1976); Mario García Torres (1975); Oto Gillen; George [Georg Ehrenfried] Grosz (1893 - 1959); Lothar Hempel (1966); Pierre Huyghe (1962); Alex Israel (1982); Billy Jacobs; Matt Johnson (1978); Asger [Asger Oluf Jørgensen] Jorn (1914 - 1973); Craig Kalpakjian (1961); Mike Kelley (1954 - 2012); Robert Lazzarini (1965); Daniel Lefcourt (1975); Gabriël Lester (1972); Sherrie Levine (1947); Andrea Longacre-White; Adam McEwen (1965); Francis Picabia (1879 - 1953); Phillip Pierce; Adina Popescu; Eileen Quinlan (1972); Edward Ruscha (1937); Kurt Schwitters (1887 - 1948); Cindy Sherman (1954); Gibb Slife (1975); Christof Spengemann; [P. Frassinelli, A. Magris, R. Magris, A. Natalini, A. Poli, Ch. Toraldo di Francia] Superstudio (1966 - 1978); J. St. [Colin De Land] Bernard (1955 - 2003); Jeffrey Vallance (1955); Annabel Vale Archive; Antek Walczak; Bruce & Norman (*1949 & *1946) Yonemoto;
Fia Backström (1970); Darren Bader (1978); [Kerstin Brätsch *1979 & Adele Röder *1980] DAS INSTITUT (2007); Steven Baldi (1983); Nina Beier (1975); Ann Craven; Simon Dybbroe Møller (1976); Nikolas Gambaroff (1979); Tony Huang; Jacob Kassay (1984); Ajay Kurian (1984); Lisa Oppenheim (1975); Peter Piller (1968); Matthew Sheridan Smith (1980); Rirkrit Tiravanija (1961); Jordan Wolfson (1980); Nicolás Guagnini (1966); Michael Riedel (1972);
Today you find 196917 artists, and 8207 curators in 222568 exhibitions in 12622 venues (resulting in 772002 network edges) from 1880 to present, in 1550 cities in 162 countries, plus 278 professional and private artwork offers.
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