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Exhibition Title

Brave New Visions
 - The émigrés who transformed the British art world


17 July - 9 August 2019
S|2 Gallery - Sotheby's, 31 St. George Street, London W1S 2FJ

Together with Sue Grayson Ford, MBE, Cherith Summers co-curated Brave New Visions: the émigrés who transformed the British art world. The exhibition was part of the Insiders / Outsiders art festival, and was kindly hosted by Sotheby's.

The exhibition paid tribute to the émigrés who revolutionised Britain’s art and publishing worlds. Brave New Visions told the story of the pioneering émigré art dealers who transformed the London gallery scene, introducing artists such as Naum Gabo, Oskar Kokoschka, Kurt Schwitters and Francis Bacon to post-war Britain.The vision of influential dealers including Lea Bondi Jaray (St. George's Gallery), Erica Brausen (Hanover Gallery), Andras Kalman (Crane Kalman Gallery), Frank Lloyd and Harry Fischer (Marlborough Gallery), Annely Juda (Molton, Hamilton and Annely Juda Fine Art), and Charles and Peter Gimpel (Gimpel Fils) was be shown through key paintings and sculptures by the artists they championed. These included William Scott, Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth, Gillian Ayres, Frank Auerbach and Graham Sutherland. Fellow émigrés at Phaidon and Thames & Hudson led a parallel revolution in the staid world of British publishing, providing a platform for European scholarship in affordable art books which raised standards of design and reproduction. Exhibition Page