IX. Internationalen Kunstausstellung im Kgl. Glaspalast zu München 1905 (2/5) - 'Aquarelle, Pastelle, Gouachen und Zeichnungen'
Internationalen Kunstausstellung München 1905
, Germany
Carlo Paolo Agazzi (1870 - 1922); Lorenzo Albarrán y Sánchez (1874 - 1938); Carl Albert Angst (1875 - 1965); Berthe Art (1857 - 1934); Teodor Axentowicz (1859 - 1938); Paul Bach (1866 - 1919); Gustav Bamberger (1861 - 1936); Hans von Bartels (1856 - 1913); Léon Bartholomé (1865 - 1952); Marius Alexander Jacques [Rusticus] Bauer (1867 - 1932); Rudolf Bernt (1844 - 1914); Hans Best (1874 - 1942); Eduardo Berta Emil Beurmann (1862 - 1951); Josef Beyer (1843 - 1917); Christoffel Bisschop (1828 - 1904); Carl de Bouché (1845 - 1920); Paul Bouvier (1857 - 1940); Hugo L. Braune (1872); Otto Bromberger (1862 - 1943); Ferdinand Brunner (1870 - 1945); Gerolamo Cairati (1860 - 1943); Giuseppe Casciaro (1861 - 1941); Henry Cassiers (1858 - 1944); Rasmus Christiansen (1863 - 1940); Alexandre Cingria (1879 - 1945); Jules Crosnier (1843 - 1917); Ernst Dargen (1866 - 1929); Stanislaw Debicki (1866 - 1924); Rodolphe de Saegher (1871 - 1941); Michael Zeno Diemer (1867 - 1939); František Bohumil Doubek (1865 - 1952); Paul Walter Ehrhardt (1872 - 1959); Ferdinand František Engelmueller (1867 - 1924); Émile Barthélémy Fabry (1865 - 1966); Adolfo Feragutti-Visconti (1850 - 1924); Raoul Frank (1867 - 1939); Otto Friedrich (1862 - 1937); Alexander Fuks (1863 - 1927); Joseph Futterer (1871 - 1930); Augusto Giacometti (1877 - 1947); Francesco Gioli (1846 - 1922); Ludwig Ferdinand Graf (1868 - 1932); Nicolae Grant (1868 - 1950); Else Hey (1869 - 1946); Georg Hacker (1863 - 1945); Alois Hänisch (1866 - 1937); Gunnar August Hallström (1875 - 1943); Knut Axel Hansen (1876 - 1926); Fritz von Hellingrath (1866 - 1946); Wilhelm Jakob Hertling (1849 - 1926); Friedrich Wilhelm Theodor Heyser (1857 - 1921); Fanny Hildebrandt-Thiersch (1880 - 1960); Gustaf Olof 'Olle' Hjortzberg (1872 - 1959); Reinhold Hoberg (1859 - 1932); Eugen Ludwig Hoess (1866 - 1955); Émile Hoeterickx (1853 - 1923); Heinrich Hofmeier (1869); Karl Itschner (1868 - 1953); Sophie Jacoba Wilhelmina Jansen-Grothe (1852 - 1926); Hans Gabriel Jentzsch (1862 - 1930); Rudolf Jettmar (1869 - 1939); Pio Joris (1843 - 1921); Pieter de Josselin de Jong (1861 - 1906); Fernand Khnopff (1858 - 1921); Eugen Kirchner (1865 - 1938); Ludwig Koch (1866 - 1934); Rudolf Konopa (1864 - 1936); Johann Viktor Krämer (1861 - 1949); Ernst Kreidolf (1863 - 1956); Erich Kuithan (1875 - 1917); Fritz Kunz (1868 - 1947); Regina Kylberg-Bobeck (1843 - 1913); Johannes Larsen (1867 - 1961); Nils Alfred Larson (1872 - 1914); Georg Lebrecht (1875 - 1945); Paul Leuteritz (1867 - 1919); Carl August Liner (1871 - 1946); Hans Looschen (1859 - 1923); Burkhard Mangold (1873 - 1950); Anna von May-Rychter (1864 - 1955); Józef Mehoffer (1868 - 1946); Louis Henri de Meuron (1868 - 1949); Karl Theodor Meyer-Basel (1860 - 1932); Kunz Meyer-Waldeck (1859 - 1953); Louis Moreels (1858 - 1930); Karl Hermann Müller-Samerberg (1869 - 1946); Richard Müller (1874 - 1954); Rudolf Münger (1862 - 1929); Olga Nyblom (1872 - 1955); Adam Adolf Oberländer (1845 - 1923); Anna Paschen; Blanche Perrelet Fiaux (1878 - 1953); Hugó Poll (1867 - 1931); Jan Preisler (1872 - 1918); Richard Püttner (1842 - 1913); Karel Rašek (1861 - 1918); Heinrich Rettig (1859 - 1921); Imre Emerich Révész (1859 - 1945); Herman Jean Joseph Richir (1866 - 1942); Alexander Charles Robinson (1869 - 1952); Philipp Röth (1841 - 1921); Hedwig Rumpelt (1861 - 1937); Attilio Sacchetto (1876 - 1945); Leo Samberger (1861 - 1949); Gabriel Schachinger (1850 - 1912); Franz Schier (1852 - 1922); Matthäus Schiestl (1869 - 1939); Kazimierz Sichulski (1879 - 1942); Rudolf Sieck (1877 - 1957); Clara von Sivers (1854 - 1924); Alfredo Souto y Cuero (1862 - 1940); Piotr Stachiewicz (1858 - 1938); Henri Stacquet (1838 - 1906); Alois Staudinger (1864); Ernst Stern (1876 - 1954); Hans Stubenrauch (1875 - 1941); Maximilian Švabinský (1873 - 1962); Hans Tegner (1853 - 1932); Richard Teschner (1879 - 1948); Wilhelm Thielmann (1868 - 1924); Hans Tichy (1861 - 1925); Karol Tichy (1871 - 1939); Publio de Tommasi (1848 - 1914); Edmund [Ödön] Tull (1870 - 1911); František Urban (1868 - 1919); Victor Uytterschaut (1847 - 1917); Carlos Vázquez y Úbeda (1869 - 1944); Charles Guy Vetter (1858 - 1941); Hans Völcker (1865 - 1944); Hans Beatus Wieland (1867 - 1945); Josef Willroider (1838 - 1915); Ludwig Willroider (1845 - 1910); Paul Wolff-Zamzow (1872); Leon Wyczólkowski (1852 - 1936); Stanisław Wyspiański (1869 - 1907);
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